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Which lasted 10 days of military training, today has been successfully concluded. Just now, we held a grand military parade, sub-type and military classes reported performance. Through the reporting performance, we can see, the students after ten days of intense training, and achieved fruitful results, to achieve the desired purpose. This is the crystallization of all the training instructors hard sweat, but also all the students, the leadership of the hospital, organs and departments of the armed forces and the joint efforts of all staff.

To this end, I on behalf of the school party committee, school leaders, to participate in the military training of all students to express my sincere greetings to bear the military training task of the Xinjiang Military Region Political Department of the school training and all defense students instructors to express my heartfelt thanks!

The training of more than 5,000 new students, training instructors more than 200 people. Shihezi University in the military and the School of Arranging the Office of the Organization Department of the serious organization, the leadership of the College, the teacher's active cooperation, the training was carried out in an orderly, sound and color. All instructors adhere to the "strict requirements, strict training, in strict accordance with the rules of action" approach, both to ensure the seriousness of military training students, while focusing on scientific teaching, starting from the students work discipline, take strict training and student practice, science Management, highlighting the fundamental goal of educating people, so that students with full enthusiasm into the military training.

In the training ground, all participating students to carry forward the "blood and sweat do not shed tears, lose the skin out of the flesh," the spirit of practice in the hot sun practice to practice until the master of every action essentials. Some students still adhere to the training of students twisting the foot; some students adhere to the training field for the instructor and the students end tea water. Some instructors are hoarse voice, and some instructors sick, but they still insist on the front line.

From the instructors who, the students learned the fine tradition of hard-working soldiers, perseverance and selfless dedication of the noble work style. Since the training, the College of military training to give a high degree of attention, Medical College of Huang Peng, deputy secretary of the College of Li Gang, deputy secretary of the competition, Guo Feng, deputy head of the School of Economics, Chaifu Cheng, deputy secretary of Political Science and Law Zheng Deputy secretary of the College of Literature and Art, Chen Yu, deputy secretary of the Normal College, College of Animal Science and Technology, deputy secretary of the Haopeng, Electrical and Mechanical College of Bin often to the training field to visit the military training students, Teachers College published military briefing.

In the course of military training, the director of the school and the counselor of grade, adhere to the training site every day to understand the training situation and help the instructors to solve various practical problems. In particular, the Teachers College and the College of Literature and Art also specially organized the military training report performance of the college, the attention and participation of colleges and departments, and played a positive role in safeguarding the smooth implementation of the military training.

Students, more than 10 days of military training, in people's life is short, but to participate in such a special event, for students, it is very memorable and precious. Students and instructors live together, training together, learning the military, learning politics, cultivating style, physical exercise, in many ways have made significant progress.

Students from the instructors of the words and deeds, every move, learned the military dedication and excellent quality, sublimation of his life value and ideological quality. Students, we want to maintain and carry forward the military training in the military training spirit: obey orders, discipline; unity and cooperation, love the collective; heroic tenacious, hard-working; proactive, and strive to advanced. Do worthy of the motherland, worthy of the times, worthy of the people of qualified students.

I hope the students in the future study and life, continue to go beyond the self, and constantly train themselves, consolidate the military training results, from the military instructors who learned a good idea, good style, good tradition, continue to flourish and promote style of study and school . At the same time, we must conscientiously study the professional knowledge, master the excellent science and technology and skills, to train themselves into a thick foundation, wide professional, strong ability, high-quality adaptive talents.


Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, leaving the hotbed of comfort, we have more than 800 high a freshman came to the xx military training base, Wearing a symbol of life and hope of the green, we carried out seven days of tension, strict, hard military training.

Seven days, in the long life is just a hurry of the moment. But spent seven days in military training, is absolutely extraordinary seven days.

Seven days of military training, contains our ups and downs. Station Junzi, starting to go, running, is to go, squat. We repeat the boring action over and over again; singing shouting password, we use the strength of the body roar, but can not let instructors satisfaction. Backache, but also straight; shouting dumb voice, throat still reluctantly screaming. Whether it is torrential rain, or hot sun, our training remains the same; whether sweat or tears, our pace can not stop. Iron-like discipline bound us all the time. In the strict requirements, there is our tired body stand, with our hands and feet repeated ache action.Serious instructors, hard life ... ... all in all, we must be strong to face.Because we are wearing uniforms, because we are in this green barracks.

Seven days, we suffered from the pain. But there are also many military training in the sweet. Instructor beautiful loud and clear singing portrayal of the real barracks life, sing the soldiers of the tenacious will and relatives of the miss, touched every one of us; basketball game exciting intense tug of war tug of war, ears still echoed Enjoy the fresh air to the body and mind to bring the fresh pleasure, refreshing; there is a beautiful show with the arts and craftsmen as well as the beauty of the beautiful scenery of the sunrise,Melodic, moving dance and beat the cells. More teachers, students in every possible way of caring and thoughtful, instructors understanding and sense of humor. Hard we deeply appreciate the warmth of the collective, the taste is particularly sweet.

Seven days, is suffering and tired of the seven days, is to pay more is the harvest of seven days. Our backs were straight, our faces were resolute, and we were full of energy. Between standing and squat, the military gave us the military temperament: upright, straight. Hard training, we learned to endure pain, learn to adhere to, and then persist. Military training has given us a strong quality, tenacious style. We have less arrogance, more copies of the hard work in the end the spirit and struggle, forever forward to the will.Through thick and thin, to see the students do not give up around, how can I easily bow; help each other, we grew up from arrogant to independent life.Military training taught us - unity is strength: this force is iron, steel, iron than steel is also stronger than steel, as long as the people as one mind, there is no victory over the enemy can not overcome the difficulties. Military training to us - discipline, obey orders is bounden duty, the order to keep in mind that the line is prohibited, consciously condensed into a collective battle.People's armed forces with iron discipline, will have infinite combat effectiveness. We also more profound understanding of the military's content.It is synonymous with seriousness, prestige, discipline. Soldiers and soldiers are always the most lovable people. Each of us in the military standards of strict demands on themselves. Although the seven days of the military training is short, we have learned a great many other things that can not be obtained elsewhere - knowledge, quality, spirit, and precious wealth.

Seven days of military training, one after another test. We only experience it, to be able to sharpen their own, make themselves more resilient. We only overcome difficulties, bear the wind and rain, in order to more calmly face the future life. Military training is necessary for our growth; it is the only way to success. The taste of military training as flavors mixed together, we taste; but it can not just a moment of taste. We have to retain the essence of the military camp to learn the excellent quality with us in order to meet the military's attitude to the upcoming high school life, so that the whole life.


12-day university military training is over, at this time do not know the end or the end of this! Military training is full of hard and laughter tired and happy.Military training, I look forward to the end, can be over, time is so fast that people do not taste enough military training colors.

Military training seems to let me back to a difficult high school life. 6 o'clock in the morning to get out of gymnastics as high school when 6 o'clock to get up training. Most of the day is in the training people do not have much free time, 20:30 lights out like high school time. 12 days of military training to me a deeper experience of tired and hard music solid unity and concentrate.Very happy and instructors and students to spend the past ten days.Although the military training a day very tired very tired but we also have laughter at night our song sound equally loud opponents can only tell us that our instructors can describe him very cattle so he led us to row is so good .Military training, he can let us be serious to each person did not dare say anything but he can also make us each filled with laughter.

3, we carried out live ammunition shooting, we are playing the first row so we get up at 5:20, it is a bit early but it is also ordered that we must obey. Our school to the shooting range to sit more than 1 hour car, sitting in military vehicles on their own seems to feel that they are a soldier that is full of pride!High school military training we have played a live ammunition shooting, did not expect the University can play, I really feel a little lucky ~ ~ ~ University of shooting seems to have more experience. Because I was playing in the first row and I rang the first shot ~ This seems to have nothing, but their own feel a little bit happy!

On the evening of the 5th, the school held military military theatrical performances. 6 pm more than 5 pm held our military training parade, that is, our military training at the end of the ceremony. Unfortunately, I did not participate in the ~ not I was going to participate in the parade in the parade when we suddenly more than a row of individuals to me to plot out because I ranked in the second row of the last trainer can only be my plot Out of the called out. 12 days of hard I adhere to the efforts down. The parade preview of the morning I have participated in why the afternoon more than a person ~ think of it a bit sorry! .


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大学生军训自我鉴定 军训自我鉴定100字


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军训自我鉴定100字 100字军训自我鉴定范本10篇

   【军训自我鉴定100字一】  在军训中,我体会到了责任与使命,磨炼了意志,掌握了不少军事与民防,感受到了团结的力量,增强了时间观念与团队意识,体验了忍耐与坚持……这是我踏上社会之前的最后一次军训,让我能够在大学松弛的节奏

军训自我鉴定范文 军训自我鉴定100字范文大全

 军训自我鉴定100字大全  1、军训只是逝去了我青春年华的一点点,但逐渐长达成熟的我更加渴望保有持久身的军训体验。军训磨练了我的意志,把我们的部分推到了极限,是我的精神随之焕然一新。它将会延伸到我人生的每个春夏与秋冬

军训自我鉴定范文 高中军训自我鉴定300字范文大全

 高中军训自我鉴定300字大全  进入学校,就意味着必须接受军训考验。对我们这些一直在父母羽翼下的人来说,无疑是一种挑战------一种自我挑战。在这短短的军训期间,我们要与原本不认识的同学相互认识,并且要做到互帮互助,团结一致

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