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J: Sara,I am sorry, but I think it's time to move on.

S: Are you serious?

J: Yes. I mean it.

S: But why? Did I do anything wrong?

J: No, you're too good for me. I'm just a poor student.

S: You're the best in my heart. You know I love you so much.

J: I know you love me. It's easy to fall in love but difficult to be together.

S: No, it's too early to say that. We can fix things.

J: Sara, we're actually not suitable for each other. I'm introverted, while you extroverted.

S: I just like parties. But I can change myself for you.

J: Don't be silly. Let's try and be friends.

S: No, I can't get over losing you.

J: Sara face it. Our relationship is over. You deserve better.





M: I still don't understand why you're always late for our date.

J: Something important has just cropped up at the office. honey.

M: It's not the first time. You have excuses all the time.

J: I'm so sorry. I had to meet an important buyer. My hands are tied.

M: I'm really fed up with your excuse. You mess our date again. Are you sed? Last week you went to see your grandmother on Saturday evening. But we had pd io go for a concert.

J: Well, it was a family thing. I'd completely forgotten about the concert. Anyway, I can't make my grandmother upset.

M: Not precisely! She may forgive you. You could have told her you had tickets for a concert.

J: All right, that's my fault. Please don't go too far.





T: Hi, Bryan. please help me....

B: What's going on?

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T: My friend Jason introduced a girl to me last Friday, and I'II have a date with her this afternoon.

B: That's a good thing.Why are you so anxious?

T: I was all over her the first time I saw her. I never have such feeling before. It's very important to me but I don't know how to make success in this date.

B: You find the right person. Don't worry. I'II try my best to give you some advice.

T: Thank you very much. What should I wear?

B: This T-shirt fits you well. And you should prepare some topics and take the lead in conversation. If she doesn't like the topic, change it.

T: Yes. I will. It's useful. What else?

B: In addition, try to be bold. And don't forget to suggest another meeting.

T: Thank you very much for the advice. It's time for my date now. See you later!

B: Wait a minute, last but not the least-buy a rose on the way. It's necessary for every date. Good luck, man !

T: Thanks buddy!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/215461/216059858.html


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