关机的英语说法1:shut down
关机的英语说法2:power off
关机的相关短语:立即关机 shutdown -h now
关机服务 Clean service shutdown
关机管理 ShutDown Manager ; Shutdown Timer
关机警卫 ShutdownGuard
电脑关机 ShutDown
关机的英语例句:1. Thirty - six hours after the Watchers left London, the Russian receiver monitoring their communication closed down.
监视员离开伦敦36小时之后, 俄国人用于监听监视员通信的接收机就关机了.
2. Sorry, the subscriber you dialed power off, please try it later.
对不起您所拨打的电话已关机, 请稍后再拨.
3. The machine is now ready to imaged. Press OK to shutdown now.
4. A reboot or shutdown to change the operating system configuration.
5. The machine shouts off automatically if it gets too hot.
6. Write a VB source to intercept anti - WINDOWS shutdown shutdown process!
写VB的源拦截 反 窗口关闭关机过程!

7. Using the air - conditioning remote control to input the control code for on - off.
利用 空调 遥控器输入开关机的遥控代码.
8. However, the physiological relevance of ASM in healthy lungs is still unclear.
事实上, 呼吸道平滑肌在正常肺部的生理相关机转至今仍不清楚.
9. Sorry subscriber you are dialing is power off, please dial it later.
对不起,您所拨打的电话已关机, 请稍后再拨!
10. Time to support hours of input support shutdown countdown.
11. According to connection of word of shoe box electrify , hand mechanism machine.
照着鞋盒上电话联系, 手机关机.
12. Can achieve the operating system shutdown and restart the writeoff function.
13. Intelligent power management can realize auto power on & off automatically.
14. A restart or shutdown to troubleshoot an unstable application.
15. A reboot or shutdown to reconfigure existing hardware or software.