服装设计师简历模板 服装设计师英文简历参考模板


[name] YJBYS

[sex] Male

Date of birth in 1979 November

[job] fashion designer

University one is graduated from University

[major] clothing design and Engineering (undergraduate)

[personal specialty] art, piano, vocal music, writing

[telephone] 139

[email address]

[address] Shanghai city communication Lane 569 Xinhua Road Branch Lane 106 room (200052)

Professional ability

Independent operation and management of brand clothing design process ability, can accurately grasp the trends and product market positioning, to ensure that products meet the market demand

Computer skills

Proficient in Coreldraw, Photoshop and other software, computer drawing renderings and fashion style chart

Shanghai City computer grade two certificate of excellence, as intermediate level computer

Familiar with Word, Excel and other statistics and documentation

Can make Webpage with Dreamweaver, Flash and other software

Work experience

It has 2003.06- group (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., as the main designer. Registered brand, style positioning: 20-30 years old men and women casual wear, accessories, jewelry, mid-range price.

2001.04-2003.05, South Korea, as a designer and graphic designer. South Korean business registered brand style positioning: 20-30 years old, men and women casual wear, accessories, accessories, the price of high-grade.

Work content

Digestive related trends and color prediction, collecting a large number of information, on the season, the early market research survey summary;

The color set, set, according to the production base fabric goods batch concept panels and panels, panels of text graphic concept, develop theme;

The first report panels, between departments and panel on the popular trend of communication, mid market survey, middle color, modify the settings modify the settings, modify the basic fabric panels set;

服装设计师简历模板 服装设计师英文简历参考模板

The revised report panels, two panels, communication between departments, finalize the product structure (the initial panels, the proportion of products under the collocation, collocation, and fabric proportion), product structure, and modify the report to finalize the product structure (modified);

On the basis of poster design work (style design, fabric design, graphic design, embroidery printing) color matching, color display master warehouse set, details of the application, on the echo, echo, and surface materials, applications with plane collocation application;

The initial integration design, report design, whole disc goods in the late market survey, product structure adjustment, modify colors and fabrics, mid based fabric should increase, changes in fashion design;

Two integrated design content, report revised the entire disk goods design, to finalize the first edition, initial size, style based styles issued at the beginning of the layout of accessories, embroidery printing and style version of a single plane;

The communication market survey, design, or follow up materials, flat embroidery printing and first edition production, production process and technology department;

The first edition of the product audit (styles, accessories, flat embroidery printing etc.), color, size and modify the finished version, style fitting adjustment;

The end of the finished products after the first edition, first edition, according to report on the goods batches, warehouse and display color adjustment of product structure, final goods to finalize the whole plate color and product structure, and layout of materials production, production style second edition;

Follow up production, and the relevant departments to formulate reprint order schedule;

The audit, end product manufacturing finished second edition edition, reprint, report and finalize product orders will be adjusted;

Product release, show display venue arrangement, model and the selection of music, go show arrangement;

The order will explain trends, product launches on the goods;

According to the order, the order will discuss with the relevant departments, adjust and finalize the goods and production quantity;

Assist the Department advertising product catalog shooting, communication theme, store display work;

OTC products, sales follow up, replenish the grasp of style.

Personality characteristics

I am confident, hard-working, studious, strong self-learning ability, comprehension ability, fashion adaptive capacity and resilience, in the work, have a strong sense of responsibility, to develop and maintain a strong sense of innovation, continuous learning, enterprising spirit. Proactive, responsible, with the spirit of cooperation, coordination ability, and colleagues.

Main professional courses

Men and women dress style design, structural design, garment draping, clothing technology, clothing material, structure design, knitting clothing design, clothing comfort and function, clothing production and marketing management, computer graphics, garment finishing, application of art appreciation, basic photography, clothing English, clothing CAD


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/215061/492446811.html


服装设计专业简历模板 服装设计简历模板

  服装设计个人简历模板基本信息 范先生(男,25岁,大专学历,3年以上工作经验)  婚姻状况: 未婚民族: 参加工作时间: 2005-12身高:  现居住地: 石家庄市户口所在地: 石家庄市联系电话:0311-86666666---------------------

应聘服装设计师简历 服装设计师简历模板

   【姓名】Andrew Zern【性别】男【出生日期】1979年11月【应聘职位】服装设计师【毕业院校】**大学【所学专业】服装设计及工程(本科)【个人特长】美术,钢琴,声乐,写作【联系电话】139********【电邮地址】【通信地址】

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简历制作是服装设计求职者求职过程中的第一步,下面是小编整理的服装设计简历模板,以供大家阅读。服装设计简历模板(一)姓名: xx性别:女民族:汉年龄:25岁学历(学位):全日制大专专业:服装设计学联系地址:(电话,邮箱,QQ,微信)教育背景毕

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服装个人求职者找工作的时候,简历就如同一块敲门砖,下面是小编整理的服装个人简历模板,以供大家阅读。服装个人简历模板(一)姓 名: 吴小姐国籍: 中国目前所在地: 广州民族: 汉族户口所在地: 茂名身体: 168 cm kg婚姻状况: 未婚年

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