英语对话短文 有关基本的英语对话短文






T: I wanna say....

J: Say it! What is it?

T: That I can't go on any longer without you. I'm all over you.

J: You must be kidding! We just knew each other three days ago.

T: I fell in love with you at the first sight. I took a shine to you right away.

J: It's too sudden I'm not ready for it.

T: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments.

J: Maybe it's only a crush that you take on me.

T: Well, I've been dying to meet you; I think about you all the time. I know it's a real love. Believe me. I am the one-woman kinda man.

J: Sure you're cute. I have a good impression of you at the first sight. But for me, I'd rather take a second look.

英语对话短文 有关基本的英语对话短文





J: Hi, there.What's up?

C: I'm surviving.

J: I can tell. You look so down. What's the problem?

C: Yesterday is a red-letter day for my best friend Sue. Almost all my friends find their Mr. Charming. And I am left alone and bored stiff.

J: What a pity! Have you been on a blind date before?

C: Yeah. But I think the boys I have met are not my cup of tea.

J: You can't expect perfection from a blind date. Besides that, you should go outside of your house. meet with people and have some fun.

C: I know. But there are fewer and fewer nice guys of our age left. And I don't want to settle for anyone.

J: It's true that the pressure of the single life becomes heavier as one grows older. But you can have a relationship, just by being yourself.





I: Hey, look at these paintings. How marvelous!

N: Yeah, these are masterpieces of Turner.

I: For crying out loud, the colors of this oil painting are so vivid.

N: Yes, and Turner is the pioneer of Romanticism, a big cheese in the field of painting.

I: I can be really related to his art. But could you tell me more about him?

N: With pleasure. The full name of Turner is Joseph Mallord William Turner. He was born on April 23, 1775, and died on December 19, 1851. He was an English Romantic landscape3 painter and print-maker. This is the first time that his paintings come to China.

I: Oh, I got it. Did Turner also draw watercolor painting?

N: Of course. Look at this one. The uniqueness of it lies in its brilliance of colors.

I: Awesome!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/214761/112482187.html


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