公务员面试致胜宝典 情侣吵架致胜宝典 帮你爱情保鲜(双语)


A pile of dirty dishes, leaving the toilet seat up and cominghome drunk from the pub are just some of the scenarios thatcan spark blazing rows up and down the country.


In order to help couples squabble more successfully, leadinglawyer Jonathan Herring has penned a book called How ToArgue.

业内顶尖律师乔纳森·赫林(Jonathan Herring)写了一部名为《如何讲理》,帮助情侣如何在和另一半争吵时占上风。

In his entertaining, no-holds-barred guide, the Oxford-based professor reveals everything Britsneed to know about bickering and tips on how to emerge triumphant.


Before bumping heads with a loved one, Jonathan says it's vital to fully think through what it isyou want to say.


公务员面试致胜宝典 情侣吵架致胜宝典 帮你爱情保鲜(双语)

'Make sure you know the essential points you want to make,' he said. 'Before starting anargument think carefully about what it is you are arguing about and what it is you want. This maysound obvious. But it's critically important. '


After considering the strengths and weaknesses of your points, Jonathan says the timing andlocation of your quarrel is crucial.


'Think carefully before you start to argue: is this the time; is this the place?' he said.


Many people lose arguments because they get caught up in the heat of the moment and don'tfully listen to what it is the other person is saying.


To be victorious in a feud, Jonathan says you should let the other person do most of the talking.


'It sounds silly, but you should aim to listen for 75 per cent of the argument and only speak for 25per cent of it,' he said. 'If you listen intently you'll be able to beat their line of argument moreeasily.'


While being prepared and listening is key, he says that you should always have a 'get out' plan.


To stop the row 'ending in a deadlock' having a 'preformed solution' can put an end to anyuncomfortable arguments and help you to get what you want.


Jonathan's final tip is to try and stay friends with your partner despite the conflict.


'You've got to ask yourself what the end game is when you're arguing with your partner,' he said. 'If you want to embarrass or humiliate them then it's eventually going to be bad for yourrelationship.


'Make sure there's a way you can make up, a sort of escape plan, so it doesn't linger longer than itneeds to.'



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/214361/575066808.html


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