高考英语道歉信范文 短篇英语道歉信范文



Dear Ashley,

Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake in regard to leaking customer information to people from the other department.

It was not my intention to create such an awkward and embarrassing situation for our department. If there was any good that came out of this unfortunate experience, it is that I have grown and learned alternative approaches to these situations.

Please feel free to let me of your thoughts and concerns over this matter. You can reach me at email.

Sincerely, Jim


Dear My Boss:

I am very sorry for missing the presentation which was scheduled on May 4 2013, regarding the environment change review in our company. My friend was very ill and he was hospitalized since last 3 weeks. I had to take care of him and that's why I was not able to make it for the scheduled appointment.

He came to Shenyang for a trip and I was his only former classmate here and no one else could help him and take him to the hospital. Now He is fine and I think he is able to find his way home by himself.

I am requesting you to arrange my presentation as soon as possible. I want to thank you for your understanding and patience. I am looking forward to the next presentation when I won’t miss that no matter what.

Best regards!


高考英语道歉信范文 短篇英语道歉信范文


Respected Mr. Arthur

I am the manager of Med Tour. Thank you very much for bring this matter to our attention. I appreciate that you give us such a useful criticism which can help our tour make progress. I feel terribly sorry to hear that you have experienced a unhappy trip. Please accept our sincere apologies for what makes you unpleasant. I promise you that our tour will make a great change. First, I will give our staff a training and arrange someone as a representative in the airport. Then, the food in our hotel will be diversified and I will do whatever I can to improve the service level of whole tour. In addition, some transportation will be provided for visitors from our hotel to the beach. I hope you can keep faith in our tour. Our tour will make effort to make up our mistake for you. Above all, your satisfaction is our priority. Please find enclosed a voucher as a compensation for you. If you have any question or suggestions, please call me anytime anywhere. Thank you again.

I wish you all the best! Your sincerely Med tour


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/214261/267397664.html


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