白糖英语怎么读 白糖用英语怎么说




英 [ˈʃuɡə]

美 [ˈʃʊɡɚ]


white sugar


细白糖 castor sugar

白糖水 Sugar water

白糖质量 white sugar quality

食用白糖 edible sugar

速溶白糖 quick-dissolving sugar


1. She combined some sugar, flour and butter to make some cookies.


2. The baker frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.


3. Fifty years ago, twenty cents were an excessive price for a pound of sugar.

50年前, 20美分买一磅白糖是个过高的价格.

4. Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken.


5. She bought a pound of flour, two packages of sugar, and a dozen of eggs.

她买来了一磅面粉, 两盒白糖和一打鸡蛋.

6. It's superior. White crystal sugar.


7. INGREDIENTS: Wheat flour , Meat Floss , Sugar , Egg, Coriander Leaf , Coconut Milk.

配料: 面粉.肉丝.白糖.蛋.芫 粞.椰浆. 黑芝麻.

8. Mix Soya - bean powder and Seasoning 2 into juice with fish flavor.


9. How do you separate the salt and the white sugar?


10. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a bowl.


11. The conventional ingredients include flour, green beans, pork fat, and sugar.

传统原料是面粉 、 绿豆 、 猪油 、 白糖.

12. I have not got as much sugar as you.


13. Date for consolidation of many sugar futures rose finally found a reason.


14. For example, the feasibility of little white sugar exports.

比如, 白糖出口的可行性微乎其微.

15. Seasonings: salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, starch, ginger, garlic, pepper.

调味料: 盐, 白糖, 味精, 淀粉, 姜, 蒜, 胡椒粉.

白糖英语怎么读 白糖用英语怎么说

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