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It was the first day of school.


As the headmaster made his rounds, he heard terrible noise coming from one of the classrooms.


He rushed in and spotted one boy, taller than the others, who seemed to be making the most noise.


He seized the lad, dragged him into the hall, and told him to wait there until he was excused.


Returning to the classroom, the headmaster restored order and lectured the class for half an hour about the importance of good behavior.


"Now," he said, "are there any questions? If there are no questions, you are dismissed."


One girl stood up timidly. "Please sir," she asked, "may we have our teacher back?"



A man was talking to his friends about how he hated to go home after a late marble game.

英语短文故事带翻译 有关英语故事短文带翻译


"You wouldn't believe ehat I go through to avoid waking my life." he said. "First, I kill theengines a block from the house and coast into the garage. Then I open the door softly. Next Itake off my shoes and tiptoe into our room. But just as I'm about to slip into quilt, she alwayswakes up and gives me a hell."


"I make a big racket when I go home." his friend said.


" You do?"


"Sure. I honk the horn, bang the door shut, turn on all the lights, Stomp up the bedroom andgive my wife a big kiss, 'Hi Alice', I say, 'how about a big kiss for your old man?'"


"And what did she say? "his friend asked in disbelief.


"She doesn't say anything." his friend replied," she always pretends she's asleep."



A blonde was driving back from the newly-built Olympic stadium when there was a fierce hailstorm. Tons of huge hailstones, the size of golf balls, pelted her car leaving it full of dents. Shedrove to the body shop and asked what she should do.


The body man explained what needed to be done, and that it would cost at least 4,000 dollarsto repair. She said that was too much, and asked if there was some other way to fix it. Thebody man decided to have a little fun, and said, “Well, you could blow into the tail pipe reallyhard and they might pop back out.” She decided to give it a try before spending that muchmoney. She drove home and was in the garage with her lips wrapped around the exhaust pipewhen her neighbor came over to visit.

修理成的人向她解释说该怎么处理,但要花费至少4000美元来修理。美女说太贵了,问有没有别的方法来修。修理厂工人决定跟她开个玩笑,就说:“你也可以使劲朝尾气管 吹气,也许能把这些凹痕吹鼓起来。”于是美女决定在花那么多钱之前先试试这个方法。她开车回了家,当她的一个邻居来看她时她正在车库用嘴对着尾气管吹气。

“What are you doing?” she cried thinking the worst and thankfully that she may have justprevented her friend from committing suicide.


“I'm blowing into the tail pipe really hard to pop all these dents out of my car,” explained theblonde.


“You silly goose. It's not going to work,” replied her neighbor.


“Why not?” asked the blonde.


“Because you've got to roll up the windows first.”



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/214061/901482881.html


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