初中英语朗诵美文 初中英语美文朗诵精选


初中英语朗诵美文 初中英语美文朗诵精选


Kit Carson (1809-1868) was one of the great heroes of American frontier — a good guide,hunter, soldier, and friend of the Indians. There are many stories about him, and his fight withthe bears is one of them.

One day, when Kit was hunting a moose, his shot woke up two grizzly bears who had beennapping near by. The bears jumped to their feet and ran out of the woods. Kit didn’t have timeto aim again. All he could do was to turn on his heels and run for his life. But he was unlucky,for as he ran he slipped and his gun went flying out of his hands. Kit climbed up a treeimmediately, and the bears followed him. Kit broke a dead branch of the tree, and when thebears camp up close enough, he gave them sharp strokes on the nose. Soon the bears couldstand it no longer. Their noses burning with pain, they lowered themselves to the ground. Butthey didn’t leave. Poor Kit had to spend the whole night up in the tree. When dawn came, Kitcould see the bears still sleeping below. Then he had an idea. He broke the dead branch intopieces. Taking careful aim, he threw down one of the pieces. It hit one of the bears right on thenose. The bear opened his eyes and roared. Then he closed his eyes again. Kit threw down abigger piece of wood. This time the bear jumped up and, howling with pain, turned and attackedthe other bear. In no time, the two bears were fighting madly. They had forgotten all about Kit.Kit hurried down from the tree, and ran away to a safe place.





Pecos Bill is a cowboy hero of the American Southwest. He was the legendary inventor ofroping, branding, and other cowboy skills. He also invented the six-shooter and train robberyand taught broncos how to buck.

According to legend, Pecos Bill was born in eastern Texas during the 1830’s. He used a bowieknife as a teething ring and played with bears and other wild animals. During a trip west, Bill fellout of the family wagon near the Pecos River in Texas. He became lost and was raised bycoyotes. When Bill grew up, he had tamed all the wild animals in the West. He rode a mountainlion and used a rattlesnake as a whip and became known as the West’s king of beasts.

To win a bet, Pecos Bill once rode an Oklaoma cyclone without a saddle. When the greattwister came, he gave a loud whistle, and every rattlesnake in Texas rushed up to him. Billmade them into a huge lasso. He threw the lasso into the clouds and it dropped right over thetop of the cyclone. He held onto his lasso and managed to sit on the cyclone’s back. Thecyclone could not shake him off its back. The cyclone to cry and its tears became rain. Therain fell so heavily that it created the Grand Canyon. Bill crashed in California, and the force ofhis fall created Death Valley. There are several versions of Bill’s death. In one, he laughed todeath after a man from Boston asked him silly questions about the West.





Johnny Appleseed is the nickname of a man whose real name was John Chapman, an Americanpioneer who planted large numbers of apple trees along the early frontier. Nothing is knownabout his childhood. According to legend, for almost fifty years, Johnny Appleseed walkedthrough Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Everywhere he went he carried bags of apple seedsand planted them. He also gave apple seeds and apple saplings to everyone he met. He is saidto have planted thousands of seeds during his travels. Thousands of settlers came to know thisstrange, lonely man. He had a tin pot as a hat, a coffee sack as a shirt, and no shoes, lookinglike a scarecrow. Some nights he spent at farmhouses, and told stories for his supper. Othertimes he camped out alone in the fields and woods. No harm ever came to Johnny Appleseed inhis lonely travel through the wilderness. The Indians knew him and treated him as a friend,and even the wild animals left him alone. Johnny Appleseed was a religious man, and he lovednature. He believed it his duty to go up and down the land planting apple seeds. He wantedAmericans to enjoy the beauty and delicious fruit of the apple trees.



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