小学生故事大全三年级 小学生三年级英语故事大全


小学生三年级英语故事:Talking in his Sleep


Mr Green always talks in his sleep. One morning the Greens get up. Mr Green sits at the table, his wife, Mrs Green asks him, “Why did you always talk in your sleep?”


Mr Green says, “Because I have little chance to talk in the daytime.”


The next morning their children all go to school. Mrs Green asks her husband angrily, “Wait a moment! Why did you scold me in your sleep last night?” “Because I don’t have the courage to do it when I’m awake,” said Mr Green.

小学生故事大全三年级 小学生三年级英语故事大全


小学生三年级英语故事:I’m Her Father


Many boys and girls in western countries are wearing the same clothes. Many of them have long hair, so it is hard to tell whether they are boys or girls.


One day an old man is sitting on a chair near a pool. A person is beside him. The old man asks the person, “Is it a boy or a girl in the pool?” The person answers, “A girl , she is my daughter.” “Oh, sorry,” the old man says, “I didn’t know you were her mother.” “You are wrong,” the person says, “I’m her father.”


小学生三年级英语故事:Food for Good Clothes


Mr Smith goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room, but people in the room don’t look at him. They don’t ask him to sit at the table.


Mr Smith goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat.


Mr Smith takes off his coat, and puts it among the food and says, “Eat, coat!”


The other people asked: “What are you doing?”


He answers: “I’m asking my coat to eat food. When I am wearing my old clothes, you don’t look at me. You don’t ask me to sit down. Now I’m in these clothes, and you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food for my clothes not for me.”



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/213761/453092856.html


小学生评语大全(三年级) 小学生三年级家长评语


小学生评语大全三年级 小学生三年级作文评语大全

 小学生三年级大全  你是个勤奋、好学的孩子。作业认真,字迹清晰,工正,有上进心,写的文章语言清新活泼,描写能抓住事物的主要特征,篇幅短小精悍.;构合理,流畅连贯,自然通达.希今后永远保持这种良好的学习作风,争取更大的进步。  

小学生评语大全三年级 小学三年级成长评语大全

 小学三年级成长大全  看得出,你是一个好学上进的男孩,你一直都在努力着,你用辛勤的汗水换来了现在的成绩,老师真诚地祝贺你,希望在以后的中,更勤奋、更刻苦,以“一份耕耘,一份收获”为信念,坚定走下去,你一定会看到胜利的曙光!前承后

小学生评语大全三年级 小学三年级教师评语大全

 小学三年级教师大全  1、你是个性格内向,讨人喜欢的男孩。认真,作业能一丝不苟地完成,与同学能和睦相处,关心集体。新年来临之际,老师希望你能继续发扬长处,课堂上大胆发言,更上一个新的台阶!  2、你天真活泼、聪明伶俐,是一位

小学生评语大全三年级 小学生三年级作文评语大全(2)

小学生三年级作文评语大全  …要求通过虚构的故事来表达一种哲理.  本文很好体现了…的特点,深刻的主题与新颖的构思相得益彰.  巧用伏笔是文章的一大特点.文章第一段就为全篇故事的发展做了极好的铺垫.这种构思非常巧妙,可

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