怎样写出英语作文的亮点例1 请将下面的句子译成英语。游泳和踢足球,你更喜欢用哪一种去打发时间?
分析:“喜欢”可以用like/love/prefer等表达,但在两者中更喜欢哪一个,只能使用prefer;“打发时间”不是“花时间做某事”(spend/take),更不是“浪费时间”(waste time)。
参考答案:Which do you prefer to kill time,swimming or playing football?
试比较:Which do you like to waste time,swimming or playing football?
例2 请将下面的句子译成英语。表演系毕业生的失业率高得惊人,艺考应该降温了。
分析:此句极易陷入汉语思维圈套。首先,前后句存在因果关系,要使用关联词连接起来。其次,“艺考降温”指的是“报考艺术院校的热情应该减退”,不能直译为“Acting exams should be cooled down”,因为exams和be cooled down不存在逻辑关系;还有“表演系毕业生”应该译作graduates majoring in acting,而不是acting graduates。最后,“失业率高得惊人”中“高得惊人”应该用extremely high来表达,而不是terrible。
参考答案:The passion to apply for art college entrance exams should be cooled down,now that unemployment is extremely high among graduates majoring in acting.

试比较:The unemployment rate of acting graduates is terrible,acting exams should be cooled down.
例3 请将下面的句子译成英语。他花很多时间帮我学英语,我很感激。
分析:从这句话中我们可以领略到“我”对“他”充满了感激之情,原因是他花很多时间帮“我”学英语。如何将“他花很多时间帮我学英语”译好,以体现“我的感激之情”须在选词上下一番工夫。显然,“他”花时间帮“我”学英语,乐此不疲,很愿意投入,情感很浓,这正是“我”感激的原因。花时间做某事可选择spend time doing/devote time to doing,相比之下,devote time to doing更佳。
参考答案:He devoted most of his time to helping me learn English,for which I was grateful.
试比较:He spent most of his time in helping me learn English,for which I was grateful.
例4 请将下面的句子译成英语。里面是一种装置,利用生态原理处理废物。
分析:这句话与科技方面相关,具有一定的难度,在翻译时必须考虑词汇的复杂性。表达“处理”常用的词汇有deal with/settle/treat/manage,其中deal with比较适合,但不如dispose of完美。
参考答案:Inside is a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.
试比较:Inside is a system where the waste is dealt with using the principles of ecology.
例5 请将下面的句子译成英语。同事在工作中热心帮助我,我当然很乐意帮忙打扫办公室卫生来回报他们。
分析:表示“帮助”的词汇有help/assist/support/aid等,若词汇量过小,前后均使用常见词汇help,就会出现重复。不如使用assist ... with来翻译“同事在工作中热心帮助我”,使用一般词汇help来翻译“我当然很乐意帮忙打扫办公室”。另外,“热心”和“乐意”分别使用eager和glad来表示,也是为了避免重复。
参考答案:My colleagues are very eager to assist me with my work. In return,I’m glad to help clean the office.
试比较:My colleagues are very glad to help me with my work. In return,I’m glad to help clean the office.
1. My grandpa sat in the armchair with a newspaper in his hands.
2. The site is 5 kilometers southeast of the city.
3. Since you have got the chance,you may as well use it.
4. Visitors are to leave the park before 5 p.m.
5. I am pleased immediately I get the hang of the computer skills.
6. There is frost on the ground,showing fall has arrived.
7. The Mid-Autumn Festival happens on the lunar August 15th.
8. Can you think of any Chinese sayings that have the same meaning?
1. settled down 2. lies 3. Now that,make full use of 4. Tourists 5. cheer up 6. confirming 7. takes place 8. carry