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英语故事听力短文:The Haircut

It was chilly outside. Natalie had asked Sonny to come pick her up. She wanted to give him his bimonthly haircut at his place. He said he’d be right over. She always cut his hair in the bathroom, so he closed the bathroom window completely. She didn’t like drafts. He put on his jacket and ski cap, walked out to his car, and drove to her place.

Because she had just finished a difficult work project, Natalie was in a good mood. After they walked into Sonny’s apartment, however, her mood seemed to change. Sonny pretended not to notice, but wondered what was going on. He took the chair, the scissors, and the hair clippers into the bathroom. She didn’t help, as she usually did. He changed into a T-shirt and shorts and sat down on the chair. “I’m ready,” he yelled out to her in the dining room. She didn’t respond.

He walked out to the dining room. She was looking at ads in a magazine. “Didn’t you hear me?” he asked. She gave him a look, and then told him that his apartment was as cold as the outdoors. Yikes, he thought. He apologized to Natalie, and turned on the central heat. But it was too late.

英语故事听力短文:A Cleaner River

The three brothers went out on the river almost every day, weather permitting. They tied some rowboats behind their boat to use as floating trash cans. They picked up all the trash they could see floating in the river. Friends joined them. Then friends told other friends, and by the end of the first year there were more than 200 volunteers helping the Green Fleet clean up the river. In the first 365 days, the brothers estimated that they had removed more than 10 tons of trash from the river. Their work was creating a cleaner-looking and cleaner-smelling river.

Corporations got involved and donated money and materials. By the end of the second year, the Green Fleet had grown to four boats and four barges. The brothers appeared on radio talk shows and on local and national TV shows. Activists throughout the nation began organizing their own Green Fleets.

The Green Fleet got bigger and better every year. Five years after its inception, the three brothers were able to go snorkeling on weekends in their river. Unfortunately, a year later, Manny accidentally stuck himself with a hypodermic needle while picking up a dirty plastic bag. He got an infection but didn’t see a doctor until it was too late. At Manny's funeral, his brothers vowed to carry on their volunteer work until they were too sick or old to do it any longer. To honor Manny, the St. James city council voted to rename the city's largest park after him.

英语故事听力短文:Jury Service in California

To serve on a California jury, you must be a U.S. citizen. You must be selected to serve; juror names are selected from state identification cards, driver’s licenses, and voting rolls. If selected, you will receive in your mail an envelope marked Jury Summons. Call the 800 phone number to find out the first day of your service. If that date is inconvenient for you, you can change it to a later date. You cannot serve more than once every 12 months.

If you are mentally disabled or are a full-time caregiver, you may be excused from service. If you have no reasonable means of transportation to court, you might be excused. If you are a full-time student or teacher, you won’t be excused. If you are a breast-feeding mom, you can postpone your service. If you are dead, your family must provide proof of death.

To serve on a jury, you must be able to read and understand basic English. Your age doesn’t matter, as long as you are at least 18 years old. Once you’re 70, you can say that you’re too sick to serve; you don’t need a doctor’s excuse. If you’re younger than 70, you need a doctor’s note confirming that you are ill. Blind people, deaf people, and people in wheelchairs can be required to serve on a jury.

You will not get paid very much for your service--$15 a day. Also, the state will reimburse you 34 cents for each mile that you drive in your car (one way only). Some employers will pay your salary while you serve; some won’t. If you own a business, you might be away from it for one to four weeks, occasionally even longer. You could lose a lot of money if you do most of the work for your business. But the judge won’t excuse you unless you can demonstrate extreme financial hardship. Parking for jurors is always free.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/213461/958491422.html


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