八年级下册英语语法 八年级英语语法知识





① If you intend to buy or sell your property or having any queries, please feel free to call me .

② You will be in charge of interviewing and shortlisting candidates and to assist in the recruitment of 500 staff.


“…… or if you have any queries, ……”

第二句里的“and”是衔接前面的动名词“interviewing and shortlisting”和后面的动名词“assisting”。显然,这里不用动名词而用不定式动词“to assist”,也是犯了动词形式不对应的错误,非改正不可。

还有,根据字词的排列,“shortlisting”要排在“ interviewing”前面,才合逻辑。



③ This will enable the parent to experience the new style of life and allows him or her enough time to consider settling down.

④ Utopianism violates the human conscience, denies privacy to individuals and discard human rights.

⑤ They have to reach a decision on either sending their child to a day-care centre or employ a maid.

⑥ It is very hard to relate the stories through other means and at the same time retains the critical aspects of the book.

⑦ This problem can be solved by developing correct language skills, concentrating on studies day by day, and try not to exert too much pressure.


③ allow; ④ discards; ⑤ employing; ⑥ retain; ⑦ trying.



由于一词多义在英语词汇的运用上非常重要,这里不厌其烦地再举一个家喻户晓的常用字 break,以加强我对这点的重视。

作为动词,break 有下列 12 个常用意思:

八年级下册英语语法 八年级英语语法知识

① 打破、断,如:(a)If you drop the cup, you will break it. (b)The rope suddenly broke.

② 违反、违约,如:(a)Don't break the law. (b)Tom is notorious for breaking promises.

③ 伤、毁,如:(a)Tony broke Jane's heart by not marrying her. (b)Judy dropped her watch and broke it.

④ 中断、打断,如:(a)The barking of the dog broke our sleep. (b)The stranger rushed in and broke our conversation.

⑤ 破晓,如:They arrived at the airport just as the day was breaking.

⑥ 放弃,如:It is hard to break the habit of smoking.

⑦ 开路,如:We sometimes saw voluntary workers help break paths in villages.

⑧ 毫无得失,如:He bought the sewing machine at $700 and sold it at the same price. He broke even on the deal.

⑨ 闯入,如:A thief broke into my neigbour's house and ran away with some valuables.

⑩ 爆发,如:If a new world war breaks out, can you imagine the consequences?

11. 突破,如:The soldiers tried to break through the enemy's line.

12. 停止,如:The meeting suddenly broke up.

当名词时,break 有 5 个常见义,如下:

① 裂口:Please send for a plumber to repair the break in the water pipe.

② 拂晓:Fish mongers start work at the break of the day.

③ 吃茶点时间:A few of us have a tea-break at 11am every day.

④ 休息:There is one-hour break for lunch.

⑤ 变动:The bankrupt man has a break in his way of living.



根据英语语法规律,形容词分句(也叫定语从句,adjective clause)里的动词必须和主句里的先行词(antecedent)呼应。先行词是单数,形容词分句中的动词便是单数;先行词是复数,形容词分句中的动词便是复数。例如:

① Do you know the woman who is walking the dog?(陪狗散步)

② Those who have performed well in the tournament will be rewarded.

在①里,先行词the woman是单数,形容词分句里的动词is也是单数。反之,②里的先行词those是复数,who后面的动词也是复数have.

根据这原则,who is upgrading 中的is便要改为are了。


③Has Mr and Mrs Li decided to emigrate?

④Do your uncle live in Malaysia?

⑤There is several beautiful paintings on the wall.

⑥The news of Henry's resignation were received with great surprise.

⑦What we are doing are good for the nation as a whole.

⑧Someone have forgotten to turn off the light.

在③里,助动词 has 和复数主语 Mr and Mrs Li 不符,要改为 have.第④句里的 do 和 your uncle 不搭配,要改为 does.第⑤ 句里的 is 和真正主语 paintings 的数不一致,应改为 are.这个句子也可改变为:“Several beautiful paintings are on the wall”。在⑥里的主语 news,其形式是复数,但意思是单数,动词也要单数的 was received 才行。⑦里的主语是名词分句(noun clause),是个单数的单位,动词也要单数的 is,不是 are.在⑧ 里的主语 someone 是单数代名词,随后的动词必须是 has forgotten 才对。


下面这句英语很好,但是里面的动词对吗?是 has 还是 have 呢?

“Its unique concept and impressive magnitude has made it the talking point of the region.”

既然这句的主语是由 concept 和 magnitude 组成,便是复数,谓语动词当然也要复数 have 才是。


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