高中英语作文 时间都去哪儿了高中英语作文



We live in a busy society. We may have demanding jobs, children, families and many other "important" things that hoover up all of our time, and before we know it, Christmas is looming once more and we're muttering about another year just passing us by.

高中英语作文 时间都去哪儿了高中英语作文

How many times do you say, "I'll read that book later when I have more time" or "I'll finish listening to that audio program when I have more time" or something very similar?

You may want to create the life of your dreams, but it just seems so very difficult with so many other things that just have to be dealt with. You may not have the time to spend an hour a day meditating and an hour a day working on your personal development and an hour a day working on your business. In fact, for some of us, we're lucky if we can even find time to sleep!

However, the key is not the spend time "doing" personal development work, but to just do it!


In Chinese Spring Festival Gala, the song of Where Has the Time Gone became popular. The words are so touching that when people listen to this song, many memories will come out. For our parents’ generation, they married, raised the kids and then watched them become independent, how time flies. It is just like that they became parents yesterday, and then they become grandparents today. Time flies so fast that they don’t realize they are old. I am so thankful to my parents, for they do so many things for me. I want to return their love, so I must become more independent and mature. So that my parents will be less worried about me and can go travel to enjoy their lives. For me, I want to cherish every moment, enjoy my own life and let the time go more slowly.



Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by, it will never return. However, it is a pity that some people don't make full use of their time .They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting, playing computer games or other unmeaning matters. . They don't realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. They always regret not having made great achievements. One of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. Therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. It’s a sign of cherishing time. Don't put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead to failure. Don't wait, because you don't know how long it will take when you put off your plan.


The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/213161/729478510.html


《时间都去哪儿了》赏析 我们看海去赏析

《时间都去哪儿了》,是2014年央视春晚的一首歌,私人定制的插曲。听完这首歌,我们都会问:时间都去哪了呢?是啊,时间都去哪了呢。正如一句名言:光阴似箭,日月如梭。时光一直在流逝着,爸爸妈妈也慢慢老去……时间到底去哪了? “门前老树长新芽

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