英语专业四级段落翻译 商务英语段落翻译




(一)Forward contract远期合同:即具有外汇债权或债务的公司与外汇银行签订购,买或出售外汇的远期合同,以在未来的某个时间以现已确定的汇率买卖两种货币。远期合同时间通常为半年并且没有变通选择。例如,某进口企业预计 6 个月后将向国外进口商支付一笔美元货款,为锁定财务成本,该企业可以与银行提前签订远期售汇合同。这样,6 个月后无论汇率如何变化,该企业都可以按照事先约定汇率,用人民币从银行购买美元贷款。更灵活的是可选择的远期合同,这种合同允许在合同规定期限内的任何时间进行交易,以当时汇率为准。这样出口商就得到较好的保护,避免合同期限内对自己不利的那一时间汇率,并选择相对有利的交易时间和汇率。

(二)平衡责任:即在同一时期,创造一个与存在风险的货币相同币种、相同金额及相同期限的反方向资金流动。例如,某出口企业收到国外进口商支付的出口货款 500 万美元,该企业须将货款结汇成人民币用于国内支出,但同时该企业需进口原材料并将于 3 个月后支付 500 万美元的货款。此时,该企业可以与银行办理一笔即期对 3 个月远期的人民币与外币掉期业务:即期卖出500万美元,取得相应人民币,3 个月远期以人民币买入 500 万美元

Avoiding of the Exchange Rate Risk of Chinese Trade Enterprise


Forward contract: The designated foreign exchange bank signs a forward contract with a domestic business entity, fixing two kinds of currency, amount, exchange rate and date for the future sale or purchase of foreign exchange with no other choice within 6 months.For example,these is an importing enterprise expecting a USD payment for goods to an overseas exporter 6 months later. In order to lock in the financial cost, the enterprise can sign a forward contract in advance with a bank for purchase of foreign exchange. In this way, whatever the exchange rate of RMB against USD will be in 6 months, the enterprise can purchase the USD from the bank according to prearranged exchange rate so as to reduce the exchange rate risk.

英语专业四级段落翻译 商务英语段落翻译


Balanced responsibility: At the same time,there are two transactions in opposite directions featuring domestic currency against foreign currency between a domestic entity and a bank.For example, an exporting exterprise receives USD 5 million from an overseas importer and needs to sell the foreign exchange for domestic RMB payment. Meanwhile, the enterprise expects to import raw materials and make payment for USD 5 million in 3 months. At this time, the enterprise can carry out the following 3-month RMB swap against foreign currency with a bank: sell the USD 5 million right now and obtain corresponding RMB, Via the above-mentioned transactions, the enterprise can square the positions of different currencies in order to avoid exchange rate risks.


The problem was that what looked like a single entity was in fact a loose alliance of local co-ops,each with its own management. Fleet-footed rivals were better able to reap scale economiesfrom centralised buying and marketing. They could raise capital quickly to build bigger stores.And a new breed of grocer, exemplified by Tesco’s Jack Cohen, understood that retailing is partshowbiz. He hired well-known comedians to open his stores. The Co-op movement was slow-witted and dowdy by comparison. “It didn’t co-operate and it rarely moved,” recalls Mr Marks.

联营模式的问题是它看上去是一个统一的实体的企业,实际上只是一些本地合作社之间松散的联盟——各自进行自己的管理。而其飞毛腿般的对手却可以通过集中购买和销售来收获规模经济带来的利益。他们可以快速集资来建造更大的商场。由Tesco 的Jack Cohen示范的一种新型零售店则悟出零售业其实是一个娱乐性行业。他雇佣著名的喜剧演员来开店。两相对比使合作社运动看上去反应迟钝、跟不上时代。“以前联营的商场之间没有合作,并且很少变动” Marks回忆道。


A mandatory national minimum adult hourly wage of 3.60 pounds was introduced in April 1999, and has been regularly uprated since. In October it rose to 6.19 pounds. The wage floor seems not to have cost jobs. A 2010 paper by researchers at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics found the long-run effect was either negligible or positive (ie, jobs increased). That finding is echoed in studies of minimum wages in America.


Such results might seem puzzling. If the price of something is forced upwards, demand for it should fall. Why might this not be the case for low-paid workers? The answer is that firms find other ways to absorb higher wage costs. The simplest is to raise prices. Fast-food restaurants in New Jersey did so when the state’s minimum wage was raised in 1992, according to a landmark study by David Card and Alan Krueger of Princeton University. Firms may also skimp on non-wage benefits, trim the number of hours worked by low-paid staff, or cut other costs. Even the best-run firms can find savings when pushed.

这样的结果可能会令人费解。如果东西的价格被迫上升,那么他的需求将会下降。这样的情况难道不会难道不会出现在那些低工资者的身上么?答案是,公司将会寻找其他方式来减少高额的工资成本。最简单的就是提高价格。根据David Card和普林斯顿大学的Alan Krueger的一项里程碑式的研究显示,新泽西的快餐店在1992年国家的提出最低工资标准的时候就是这样做的。公司也可以克扣非工资福利,削减低薪工作人员工作时数以及其他的减少成本方式。运行得最好的公司甚至可以在强制的情况下找到解决的方式。


The country has always been at the heart of the euro, as of the European Union. President Francois Mitterrand argued for the single currency because he hoped to bolster French influence in an EU that would otherwise fall under the sway of a unified Germany. France has gained from the euro: it is borrowing at record low rates and has avoided the troubles of the Mediterranean. Yet even before May, when Francois Hollande became the country’s first Socialist president since Mitterrand, France had ceded leadership in the euro crisis to Germany. And now its economy looks increasingly vulnerable as well.



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 商务英语专业实习  商务英语专业范文1  我是一名商务英语专业的学生。20XX年12月24日,我开始了校外实习。  一、实习目的  了解led灯这个行业,提高自己的能力和搜集资料的能力,提高理论与实际相结合的能力,提高协同合

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