给同学的毕业赠言作文 赠给大学同学的英文毕业留言作文



Time flies, youth walking in the river bank of time, drifting away. Early summer to July the pace of getting closer, four years of college life is coming to an end, but also to start a new journey. Here, I spent four years of innocence of life, forget the four years, this will be a good memory of my life.

XX September, just entering the school's own or ignorant world of ignorant young, now has changed a lot, become strong and confident. I remember the first moment into the campus, my heart felt the waves of loss, think they will spend their own university life here, can not help but feel a bit disappointed. In the next few days, I try to do the adjustment. I comfort myself, to come here to school, which is also doomed to doomed it I also know that "both to the security of the" reason, so I decided to cherish my college life, cherish every minute, But also in later time in love with my alma mater. Facts have proved that in the four years of college life, I am also trying to practice it.

In the past four years, many professors and teachers have taught us the torch of knowledge and laid the foundation for my future work. They are a beacon, guiding my future direction.

Here, met the students from all corners of the country. We gathered here, but also a fate. Four students, with Confucianism to Mo, Qi is a few words to them one by one Syria. Friendship is wealth, in my next few decades, it will be with me until the end of my life.

I witnessed the growth of the college, from a small campus to a small campus now surrounded by Xinghai, a new campus. See it grow, and my heart produced a joy, because in four years had a deep feeling for his alma mater.

Opportunity, like time, is fair to anyone, the key is whether to seize the opportunity. When the opportunity comes, if there is no strength, it will only be lost in vain. In the spare time, I continue to enrich themselves, improve their literary literacy, improve their cognitive level. The school library gave me the spirit of growing food, to enrich my college life. Whenever the next evening study, when a person walking in the campus, looking at the long and short under the long and short shadow, mind Imagine the future, inevitably produce an infinite yearning for the future.

The university provides us with the freedom and space to show ourselves, but also to the fledgling us to care for the future to be free to fly in the sky wrestling with our wings. In the university, I know how to adhere to, know how to work, know how hard, know how to pay, know how to give up ... ... you set up a bridge to mature, for me into the community to pave the way.

Maybe I have some mistakes, may have lost the direction, may have been stranded somewhere there is no forward, perhaps once had let the teacher down. This many of the shortcomings, and those who have unpleasant things, wandering in the long river of my history, after the baptism of time, after the washing of memories. When you think again, the mouth smile is the best interpretation of this.

Life is real, everyone is very ordinary, very ordinary. Dreams like the sky can fly far from the kite, but the pursuit of too high will inevitably wandering. So, or down to earth. Perhaps parting, holding a simple bag that seems to fall something, but also can not remember what it is. Perhaps this faint loss will accompany me for a long time. My youth, these fellow travelers, we work together to create an era, the most precious of them, how can I not take it, it will never stay in the campus.

"Without some cold biting, how plum scent?" In fact, the road is not smooth. In the study of life, we will inevitably encounter some difficulties and setbacks. However, when faced with difficulties and setbacks, we should dare to struggle, the courage to climb, should not give up on themselves, blaming others, but should not live in the illusion of their own out of the self-liberated soap bubble wasted years, wasted their youth . "Frustration is a wealth, experience is a possession, not their own, do not reluctantly!

Willow withered, and then when the green peach Xie, and then open the time, but four years in his alma mater is gone. Leaving only a precious memory, a kind of indissoluble friendship, a lifetime of unforgettable experience.

给同学的毕业赠言作文 赠给大学同学的英文毕业留言作文


If Pandora's box is to keep hope at the bottom of the box, then my four years of good memories are engraved on the time scrolls. When the flawless time, to open the time scrolls, review the University bit by bit, ups and downs, may be able to find life comfort.

The best life in college life will never stop, and over time, become memories. In the long road ahead, college life will be my forever good memories. It is a milestone in my life, a record of my most beautiful and precious life. July, I will travel, with a deep attachment to his alma mater and the infinite vision of the future, bid farewell to my student era. Now turn around is the wind and black hair, maybe looking back, is the snow over white! Yesterday, after all, short, tomorrow is forever, in front of the road there will still be a lot of thorns, the future may not be sunny day, but I firmly believe that the sea with wide diving, high-day bird fly, let us look forward to tomorrow will be more Well, look forward to his alma mater better tomorrow!


Big fat to get to the United States visa that day, his two months since the most happy day.

He is one of my best friends. Our four brothers, also the same room roommate. Old high school computer, nets big fat; the second is handsome thin monkey, each party always attracts the attention of many girls; small high in the four of us ranked third, but the highest Chinese, love to write prose, Many, but there is always philosophical words emerge from him. I like a person without characteristics, in addition to like to do experiments.

Freshman I do not know anything, the boss has begun to busy buying Red Book. He has a thick English dictionary on the shelf, close to a line of words: four years later, the United States, I will be there. He is the one who knows the most of our goals. Other people, mostly like me, muddle to start classes, do experiments, write papers. As if the same high school students, the habit of being arranged every day full of Dangdang, once no one tube, as if something less.

We talked very seriously about this ideal. Big fat that he wanted to become a scientist. We laughed and said that ten years ago everyone in the essay, probably wrote: my ideal is to grow up when a scientist. "Otherwise, that is the teacher." Shou monkey rush said, "At that time, I think the teacher is the biggest, if the teacher in the future, must be very imposing manner, no children dare to bully."

I also dreamed of childhood when scientists and teachers, high school, chose science, because I like the feeling of doing experiments. That feeling, as if every step of things, you can see, can control, and, wrong can also be repeated. If life can be as transparent as a test tube, but unfortunately otherwise, many times, we can not control life, so even more like the life in the laboratory, pure silence.

Start looking for work, Shou Hou looked at his personal resume sigh. Compared with others, his practice experience rarely, perhaps because too much time to love. However, he is still a good boy, so after the layers of interviews to a good Internet company, perhaps with us bubble BBS time to help him a lot of busy.

Small high finally chose our childhood dream career. He was going to be a teacher, and, not in the bustling city, there is no considerable wages. He applied to go to Qinghai, where there is a national volunteer support project. He said he came from the countryside, and knew how much children in the mountains would want to know about the outside world.

I early to keep the school's graduate students, less application abroad hard, less busy looking for work, less choice of anxious, but also less a lot of unforgettable memories.

Big Fat is the last of our four brothers. Celebrating the success of his dinner dinner, we can finally miss the four years of life, miss every drunk, and even every quarrel. Since the beginning of July, the first time I felt sour nose ... ...

Really do not want to say goodbye, but the summer of 2005 that day, we really, really, to graduate ... ...


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毕业季是一个感动的日子,有什么话要跟即将道别同学说的?下面是小编为你整理的写给自己喜欢的同学的毕业赠言 ,希望大家喜欢。感动的写给自己喜欢的同学的毕业赠言1. 大学毕业了,是幸福的;步入社会了,是辛苦的。送礼物,是庸俗的;送祝福

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