The cuisine of Nanjing, the center of government for six ancient dynasties, is more famous for its "small eats" than its main courses.
Popular dishes include pan-fried beef dumplings, Yanshuiya, or salted and baked duck, steamed buns, duck blood soup and Gansi, or finely shredded tofu.
The most famous food centers in Nanjing are at the Confucius Temple and Hunan Lu, and these bustle with visitors every day.

文中的small eats解释为“小吃;小零嘴”,也可称为snack(小吃;点心)、street food(街头小吃),除了文中提及的小吃之外,各地著名的小吃还有:bean curd jelly(豆腐花)、tea eggs(茶叶蛋)、oyster omelet(牡蛎煎)等。
文中的bustle用作动词,意为“匆忙;催促”,如:She bustled the children off to school.(她催促孩子们去上学。);bustle也可以用作名词,意为“喧哗”,如:She sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window.(她坐在书桌旁,望着窗外忙碌的景象。)