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One day, the zoo keeper discovered the kangaroo came out from the cage, so he began to conduct a meeting to discuss and agree that is the height of the cage is too low. So they decided to the height of the cage from the original 10 meters to 20 meter. The next day they found a kangaroo or run to the outside, so they decided to height to 30 meters.

小学生童话故事 小学生看英语童话故事

Next day they see the kangaroos ran to the outside, which makes the breeder are very nervous, decided a don, the height of the cage to one hundred meters.

One day several giraffes and kangaroos in the chitchat, "you see, these people will go on raising your cage?" The giraffe asks.

"It's hard to say." The kangaroo said: "if they continue forgetting to fasten!"


Has a head blind in one eye deer, came to the seaside to eat grass, he used that good eye gaze land, guard against hunter's attack, but with blind that eye to sea, he thinks that there won't happen what dangerous sea. Only to find someone by boat from the sea through here, saw this deer, an arrow shot him down. He is going to breathe, soliloquize ground to say: "I really am unfortunate, I guard against landing that surface, but I trust sea this has actually brought the disaster to me."

The story is that the truth is often contrary to our expectation, it is dangerous to think it is very safe, believe is a safe, more dangerous.


Late autumn season, a bear want to make a cave on a hillside, ready to hibernate. The hill the whole consists of a number of young spruce trees covered with.

Bear the small fir skin peel, tear into small narrow strip, located on the hill took them into the cave, then covered with soft hair on it, this is a comfortable bed. It has small fir trees cut near the cave, cover the mouth of the cave, so, cave had a "roof". Cave built, climb in, it is going to sleep quietly on a winter.

But before a month, a hound found it's cave, it's not easy to escape the hunter's gun. Can't, can only directly lying on the snow, so all right, can be all eyes and all ears. But is such, finally discovered by the hunter, it hard to escape again.

So it is the third time to hide. This time the hunters but doesn't even have to think of, where I can find it. It was not until the following spring, the truth: they had it on a big tree AnAnQuanQuan a winter sleep. It experienced a baptism of the storm crown pointing to the sky, tall trees in the middle of the dense canopy, there is a gap.

This gap is like a natural formation of the cave. Summer there used to be an eagle with branches and some soft matting, here to build a nest, too young, then flew away. But this winter, this is only the hunters so startled that horrible bear found the air "cave", then climb up, spent a winter here freely.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/212761/40759258.html


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