商务英语口语900句 关于商务英语口语


电 话

As your company‘s representative, your phone manners should be impeccable. Too many workers who are abrupt on the phone rationalize their behavior by saying it’s okay or even expected.

since they‘re at work, but this isn’t true. You are putting across your company‘s image and should work just as hard at it on the phone as you would in person.


商务英语口语900句 关于商务英语口语

There are several accepted ways to answer a telephone at work. You can simply say “ Hello” or you can say your name, as in “ June Johnson speaking.” You don’t need to say the company‘s name if a receptionist or a secretary has already done so. Try to speak in a pleasant, unrushed voice. If you are rushed and can’t talk, it‘s better to say this and make plans to call back later. Don’t rustle papers or work while you‘re speaking on the phone.If you’re really too distracted to speak, then reschedule the call.


It‘s okay and sometimes even necessary to screen your calls. But there’s a right and a wrong way to do this. First train your secretary to do it politely. It‘s better to ask “ May I know who’s calling?” than “ Who is this?” or even “ Who‘s calling?” Second, don’t instruct your secretary to say you are out when you are in. It‘s acceptable to be in but too busy to talk at the moment and it’s always better to be honest. Callers sense the difference, and besides, it may not look good if you‘re always out.

有选择地接电话是可以的,有时甚至是需要的。可是若何做则有正误之分。首先练习你的秘书要有礼貌。最好问“我能问是哪位打来的吗?”,而不是“ 谁呀?”,更不是“谁在打电话?”。第二,不要教你的秘书在你在的时辰说不在。说工作太忙无暇通话是可以接管的--以诚相待永远是上策。打电话的人能听出分歧,况且,如不美观你总不在也不太好。

It’s rude not to return telephone calls regardless of whom they are from. You might be ignoring a potential customer. Many people today don‘t bother to return phone calls, and if you work for someone else,it’s highly unlikely that such behavior is acceptable. When you do return calls, try to place them yourself. If you must have your secretary make the call, then get on the line immediately. It‘s not polite to keep someone waiting when you’ve placed the call.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/212661/822051788.html


英语经典句子 英语经典语句

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