英语简单日常口语对话 日常生活的英语对话


日常生活的英语对话:getting into aconversation: likes and dislikes

Dialogue one

W:So what kind of thingsdo you do in your free time?

M:I'm really into(be into 深深投入)watching full films, what about you ?

W:I like to do just about anything outdoors.Do you enjoy camping?

M:Camping for evening is ok,but I couldn't do it for much long as more night.

W:Have you ever been camping in the boundary waters?

M:No.but I always want to do that.I've heard It's a beautiful place to go.

W:It's fantastic.My family and I are very fond of the place.

M:Do you have any photos or any your camping trips there?

W:Sure. Would you like to see them?

M:That will be great.What kind of camera do you have?

W:I have a camera SAR

M:Oh,you must be pretty interested in photography then.

W:I call it one of my hobbies.Do you know much about photography?

M:Actually I do,I took quite a few photography classes in University.

W:Have you heard about the photography exhibit that is going on the art Gary this weekend?

M:Yes,I was planing and going.Are you?

W:Yeah.In fact, maybe we could go together.

M:That'll be great. What time should I meet you there?

W:How about at 11 o'clock

M:Sounds great.see you then.

Dialogue Two

M:What sort of music do you like?

W:I love just about anything but Prince

M:So you are addicted in music then.

W:Oh,I like all kinds of music but he is one of my favorites.How about you ?

M:I won't go to turn off the music

W:Do you have a favorite band

M:To be honest no.I'm always searching a new music to listen to.

W:Do you often go to concerts?

M:I usually go to see a live band about twice a month. What about you?

W:I love going to live geggies.Are there any good local bands palying around here that you recommend?

M:There is an open mid-night of pop down the road every Thursday night when my favorite local band usually plays.you should come along next week with me.

W:I'd love to.But I haven't enough class on Tursdays.

M:That's too bad.Matbe another time.

W:Let me know if you hear about any good bands playing on the weekends.I'll have more free time then.

M:Ok,I'll let you know.Did you want to watch some TV?

W:Sure.What's up?

M:That's a reality TV show about a group of people who are trying to lose way

W:That sounds grateful.



A: How is it going?

B: I’m in a really good mood actually. How about you?

A:To be honest, I’m a bit fed up.

A: What’s wrong?

B: Well, my boyfriend was supposed to call me last night. But he never did.

A: That’s too bad.

B: I’m sure there ‘s a logic explanation for it. Don’t be too upset about it.

A: The thing is this isn’t the first time he promised to do some thing. And then he didn’t

B: I see that can get a bit annoy.

A: A bit? I’m extremely annoyed that he did not phone me that he promised that he would. He is such a liar.

B: So, what are you going to do about it?

A: I don’t know. I forgot make the feeling about it. On the one hand I really want end with him. But on the other hand, I don’t want to be without him.

B: What do you think make you happier.

A: In the long run, I think breaking up with him will make me much happier, but I know that’ll be depressed for a few weeks first.

B: Relationships can be confusing some times.

A: What would you do if you were me?

B: I'd come and dump him now, you deserve better than him.


A: Why are you in such a good mood today?

B: Well yesterday I decided to face my fear of heights.

A: I didn’t know you scared of heights. What’s it really bad?

B: let me put it in this way. I’ve never see a professional sports game in the stadium, because I could not get myself to walk to the top of stair to sit down.

A: So what did you do about yesterday?

B: Ah, I went sky diving.

A: You are kidding me. That sounds really scaring.

B: It was scaring, but it felt great too.

A: Weren’t you scared,?

B: Of course, I scared, but I have an instructor went with me and that help.

A: So you have cured your fear of heights?

B: I think so. After I jump out of the plain I realize that I should just enjoy life. Wearing about it, or not doing thing about fear, just playing silly.

A: I’m impressed.

B: Are you scared of anything?

A: Well, sometimes I get scared when I went my apartment all by myself.

B: What do you think that could happen?

A:I was worrying the door is unlocked, the window is open, and the stranger is coming steal my things.

B: It sounds like that you should be more careful.

日常生活的英语对话:Party Animals

Dialogue 1

W: Do you have any plans for Friday night?

M: I don't think so. Why?

W: Well, my housemates and I are having a house warming party. Would you like to come?

M: Sure. Would it be all right if I brought a few friends?

W: The more the merrier.

M: Would it be a lot of people there?

W: I sure hope so. We've each invited about ten people.

M: Who else is going to be there?

W: I'm inviting friends from my work, you, my sister and a few friends from school.

M: I know your sister. She's very nice.

W: Don't worry. You won't be sitting there by yourself.

M: What time is it going to start?

W: Mass people working Friday night. So it's going to start at around 9 pm.

M: Should I bring anything?

W: We will have beers and snacks. But if you want to bring a bottle of wine. That will be great.

M: I could also bring some music if you want. I've got lots of songs on my new ipod.

英语简单日常口语对话 日常生活的英语对话

W: That would be great.

M: I'll see you then.

Dialogue 2

M: Hi, come on in. Can I take your coat?

W: Sure, thanks. I brought you a bottle of wine as well.

M: You're the first guest to arrive. I'll just put your coat away, and then I will get you something to drink.

W: Should I take my shoes off?

M: Whatever you prefer.

W: This is very nice place. How long have you been living here now?

M: Just over three weeks. Would you like a drink?

W: Sure. What's you have?

M: I've got white wine, red wine, gin, jing jiu...

W: I'll have a glass of red wine, please!

M: One glass of red wine coming out.

W: So, how many people are coming for dinner tonight?

M: There is just going to be six of us tonight.

W: Oh, I thought there're going to be 8. Who isn't coming?

M: Marshall and Paul called the cancell at the last minute. Paul was running late and Marshall wasn't feeling well.

W: Oh, that's too bad. They are such good company.

M: I think there's someone at the door. Excuse me while I go and get there.


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