天津独乐寺 天津独乐寺导游词英文3篇



temple of solitary joy is located at inside west city gate of ji county, tianjin city. it is known for its refined architecture skill in channel's ancient buildings and has got the reputation of six best. these are: the earliest dingshan gate (gate of withstanding hill) of the ground hall preserved now; the earliest chiwei object on the hill gate preserved now; the earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; the biggest clay sculptured statue of avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in china;

the avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; the more precious fact is that the temple of solitary joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient monastery of thousand years. crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - avalokitesvara pavilion, 23 m in height. form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, but inside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. on the eaves corners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little buddha statues ride. copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a specially refined scene. the most attractive thing is the structure of dougong (sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without——each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called dou).

it is made of overlapping dougong shaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms with each layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part, thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. it makes eaves of the pavilion look like flying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.


Alone le temple located in jixian city WuDing north side, it was YuTianBao eleven years, liao reconstruction. About alone le temple of named, here are three kinds of views, the first scenario is the main architecture of the music alone temple is ten side, it is a combination of internal star stands alone; pear tree towering The second argument is that war against tang troops stationed, here is pledging to "cover thought alone, he Shared with people without music," friend name alone le temple: another theory "buddhist less-desired, alone to self-salvation for le" friend name alone le temple. The whole alone le temple has three parts, road is the qing emperors monarch palace, built in the west is monk room, by the middle of the entrance, guanyin restaurant, BaJiaoTing, lie shrive, three shrive composition. The whole building layout is concise, subject is outstanding, the majestic. There are five alone le temple of most: GuanYinGe is China's only to save the oldest timberwork high-rise castles, Kuan Yin like China the biggest only to save one of ancient clay sculpture, For the earliest extant entrance, the highest level of Wu house top entrance, Entrance is ridge has the earliest ChiWen; Alone le temple to the first national key units of cultural relics protection.

Now we arrived.

天津独乐寺 天津独乐寺导游词英文3篇

Now, let's see the building entrance, he is 10 m tall, surface broadly three rooms, descend two rooms, sitting among ChuanTang, both sides are a little room. At the entrance YanXia a plaque proclaiming, "alone le temple" three words, YanSong descriptions for Ming university, he is said to be in the northern leave only six words, another three word is Beijing's "six will dwell" three word.

In the first two slightly have between two honour the king kong lux stood like liao, namely we commonly known as the HengHa will be two, from their ZuiXing and can be seen on the left hand form, this statue silent, the handshake for "hum" will, on the right hand to mouth, "ha" will, they are all 4.5 meters high, muscle uplift, power and grandeur, clinging to the entrance, they stand here is more than a thousand years of history. We see the two root in the middle, said to the column before there was a gate, because is ages ago, this door and shall not be saved, but here is inside the cabinet and guanyin boundaries, the standing in this side watching the threshold restaurant, only see avalokitesvara local, across the threshold step, big ge panorama is panorama. You might as well try, it is widely used in wei-jin period, the frame type structure. Entrance slightly between the north is flanked by guangxu period of four major Kings like drawing. First look at the east: the south, holding the sword; growth lalitasana Oriental lalitasana, holding the pipa hold kingdom. West two honour: north WenTian wu, holding an umbrella more, Western wide eyes lalitasana, hand measures. Four major Kings hand held by the content composition an idiom "good", expressed our common people's wishes.

We went to see the main architecture. In front of us is the main architecture of the music alone temple the pavilion "view sound", it connects tall 23 metres, from appearance on look into fluctuation two layer, is actually three layers, in its middle have a dark layer, the whole big pavilion, the most outstanding characteristic is not a nail, are SunMao structure, we see this one is for wood, quadrate Romanesque capitals which should GongMu measures, strip for arch, the whole big ge share now 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should. Big ge roof for nine mountain ridge jehiel, YanXia have a plaque type of "ge" view sound, it's li bai's authentic, this plaque, have income national name plaque daqo, below this plaque is "a full five pureland sutras" it is written, xianfeng mean inside the goddess of mercy has practice perfection, have become Buddha conditions.

We'll check it from this location, got the whole entrance is consisted of 12 root massive columns branch stand of, the stigma all inward tilt. It is our country ancient building a characteristic, called lateral Angle, make the building more stable, the entrance is in two ridge decorations, tail inward tilted and like birds, like fish than the birds, fish called ChiWen. Legend as one of the nine dragon born son, can spray waves into rain, take water-jet earthquake fire with.

Now we walk in the cabinet inside check. In front of us are ten side kuan Yin, it connects tall 16 meters, standing on the lotus stage, through the dark layer, direct ge crest. Kuan Yin has 33 change form. Ten to one side guanyin, this genre elsewhere is absolutely cannot see, because national terms, only where is ten side guanyin, it in the world only to save and honour. We see the entire guanyin slightly lean forward, give a person with tenderness. Its two ribbon from wrist hung to lotus Taiwan, is actually played above supporting role. We said this guanyin is clay sculpture, and it's not to say it is completely with mud the heaped, its inside human body skeleton are imitated timberwork, outside carved is mud. Ten side kuan Yin is the good fortune, both sides of the dragon female two nov.19 bodhisattva, their waist micro twist, head the five-buddha crown, appear lively, give a person with reality, these three statue adds the previous HengHa will be two, alone le temple there were five honour liao statue of expert evaluation alone le temple early statue is "fewer but better, artistic value high".

Inside to see, each inter-specific has a large cabinet, whole Romanesque capitals which should 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should, 24 types, distribution in the big ge each place, it seems people joints are the same, and that is the pavilion over 1000 years guanyin the ups and downs, and 28 earthquakes, still safe and sound reasons.

The whole big ge is in one of three art, it is an ancient architectural TongLan figurine, full of metope color murals. This group of mural drawing in the yuan dynasty, 1972, it is found out in a layer of mud have been protection, it found inside have high historical value and scientific value and artistic value. It has been copying income Treasury, mural by buddhist 16 arhat and two Kings as the theme, with Buddhism between relevant myth, secular subjects composed of groups each have independent and each connected non-imperial scenes.

On-site interpretation to the end, the following time, everybody can oneself tour.


Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channel's ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of Avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years.

Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called Siadading in ancient time and now it is called big roof. On the two ends of the plane ridge, there are inward Chiweis. Chi denoted sparrow hawk in ancient time, which is a kind of fierce bird. The stand base of the gate is comparatively low, but the hall pinnacle is much higher above eaves and the pottery animal figures look sturdy; solemn and sturdy. There is no ceiling inside the pinnacle, therefor the painted beam and purlieus are visible. The whole piece is exquisitely wrought, simple arranged and skillfully done, for which people gasp in administration.

Crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - Avalokitesvara Pavilion, 23 m in height. Form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, but inside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. On the eaves corners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little Buddha statues ride. Copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a specially refined scene. The most attractive thing is the structure of Dougong (sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without――each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called Gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called Dou). It is made of overlapping Dougong shaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms with each layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part, thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. It makes eaves of the pavilion look like flying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.

Entering the Avalokitesvara Pavilion, the very sight is a huge standing Avalokitesvara Statue. If one stands by it, his height is only up to her ankle. The Statue, 16.27 m in height, is the biggest clay sculpture of Avalokitesvara in China. Two statues of attendant Bodhisattvas under the knee of Avalokitesvara are also 3 m in height. On the crown of the head of Avalokitesvara, there are 10 small Avalokitesvare's heads, hence it is called 11 faces Avalokitesvara. Reviewing around the inner part of the pavilion, one can discover that pillars of high and low storeys are not directly linked through, but the pillars of the upper storey are inserted into the arch head of that of lower storey. The upper storey of the pavilion is in a form of six corners empty well, while the lower storey is in a form of square empty well. This kind of structure is not only beautiful and strong, but also adds the space of the upper part of Budha statues. On the four walls inside the pavilion, colorful murals are painted, the theme of which is the images of 16 Arhats and 2 Ming Dynasty Emperors, which are the earliest subjects of Buddhism. On he murals, 2 m high Arhats with 3 heads and 4 arms are extremely lifelike and Ming Emperors on the four walls are full of power and grandeur. On the upper part of the murals, there are mountains, forest, cloud and river, while on the lower part, there are paintings of secular themes with vivid and natural lines, which embody the superb the skill and arts of painting of ancient Buddhism in China.


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