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When our daughter was born, we named her Myles, after my beloved late father, despitefamily warning that the name was too masculine. Years later, when I felt she was old enoughto understand, I explained to Myles, Your name is very special. I named you after my ownfather because I loved him very much. I know he would be proud of you. Myles thought carefullyabout this and then said, I know all that, Mom. But I don't understand why my grandfatherhad a girl's name.

女儿出生时,我们给她取名叫迈尔斯,和我深爱的业已过世的父亲同一个名字,不过家人提醒这个名字太男性化了。 几年以后,我觉得迈尔斯已经长大,能够懂事了。我对她解释说:你的名字很特别。我给你取了一个和我爸爸一样的名字,因为我非常爱他。我相信他会为你而深感自豪的。 迈尔斯很仔细地想了一下,然后说道:这些我都懂,妈妈。可是我不知道外公为什么会有一个女孩子的名字。


不是我的错 It's not my fault

aughter: It's not my fault Mother

Mother (reprimanding her small daughter): You mustn't pull the cat's tail.

Daughter: I'm only holding it, Mom. The cat's doing the pulling.






On Christmas Eve Santa Claus met an honest politician and a kind lawyer while riding up in anelevator of a very exclusive hotel. Just before the doors opened the three of them noticed a1000NT bill lying on the floor. Which one of them do you think picked it up?


Answer: Santa of course! Why? Because everybody knows that the other two don't exist!



Santa Claus就不多说啦,这可是赫赫有名的圣诞老人的大名哦!

ride不仅有骑(马,自行车)的意思,还有乘坐的意思,如文中就用到了“ride up in an elevator”乘坐电梯

exclusive表示独有的,专一的,经常表示一些高级会所只供会员享用,如文中就提到了“exclusive hotel”



A little old lady goes to the doctor ... and says, "Doctor, I have this problem with gas, but itdoesn't really bother me too much. They never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact,I've farted at least 20 times since I've been here in your office. You didn't know I was fartingbecause they don't smell and are silent."


The doctor says, "I see. Here's a prescription. Take these pills 3 times a day for seven daysand come back to see me next week."


The next week the lady goes back. "Doctor," she says, "I don't know what the hell you gaveme, but now my farts ... although still silent... stink terribly."


英文店名简单易懂 英文笑话带翻译简单易懂

The doctor says, "Good! Now that we've cleared up your sinuses, let's start working on yourhearing."



难兄难弟 The Two Men

A party of visitors were being shown round a lunatic asylum.They came across one individual in the grounds,with wild eyes,dishevelled hair,feverishly endeavouring to catchflies and keep them in his pocket.


His was a sad case,said the attendant.Whilst he was at the war his wife abandoned his home and ran off with another man.


Terrible,said a visitor.


Presently they came to a padded cell,in which could be heard a raging as of a wild beast.


That's the other man,said the attendant.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/212461/933267651.html


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