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英语笑话大全带翻译 关于英语笑话及翻译大全



Christmas Service 圣诞节的祷告

It was a cold and misty Christmas morning in the very depth of Winter after a heavy fall of snow and only one farmer and the minister managed to arrive at the church for the morning service.

"Well," said the clergyman, "I guess there's no point in having a service today."

"Well that's not how I see it." said the farmer. "If only one cow turns up at feeding time, I still feed it."


牧师说:“ 我想今天做祷告是没有意义的。”



A Dead Fly 一只死苍蝇

Mr. Smith: Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup.

Waiter: Yes, sir, I know---it's the heat that kills it.




Falling Down 他一定是在吹牛

A man is fibbing away about how great things are in his country. Finally, he starts describing the tall buildings in his country.

"There is a building so tall, it took my friend Alex 7 hours to fall off it!"

"Oh, my God!" says his friend. "Surely he must have died!"

"Of course. He was without food or water for 3 days!"






Drunken Humour 醉汉的幽默

Wife: Dear, you looked quite drunk last night and you kept repeating the same thing at the table.

Husband: Really? Then don't believe anything said by a drunken person. By the way, what did I say to you?

Wife: I love you, dear.





Goodbye, Money 再见,美元

On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I and our two children devotedourselves wholeheartedly to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed for home.

As we drove away, our son waved and said, "Goodbye, Mickey."

Our daughter waved and said, "Goodbye, Minnie."

My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, "Goodbye, Money."

迪斯尼之旅 弗罗里达州的迪斯尼乐园是一个迷人的地方。一次我和丈夫以及两个孩子前往旅游,我们全身心地沉醉在它的各种奇观之中。精疲力竭地玩了三天之后,我们要回家了。





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/211961/341467650.html


英语美文精选 故事类 关于英语笑话故事带翻译精选

笑话能够折射出社会生活中的方方面面,它以一种幽默和嘲笑的方式使人们明白人生的哲理。小编精心收集了关于英语笑话故事带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!关于英语笑话故事带翻译:TWO HEARTS BEATINGNurse: How do you feel after your operat

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英语笑话除了可以让我们开怀大笑以外,我们还可以看到一个民族的生存环境、生活方式、社会关系和心理特征等等。小编分享简单英语笑话故事带翻译,希望可以帮助大家!简单英语笑话故事带翻译:Your Coat Is on FireThe master, to impre

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冷笑话是近几年才出现的新兴语言现象,它以网络为主要的传播方式。它是幽默的一种特殊的表现形式,主要流传于网页,微博,贴吧等。小编精心收集了简单英语笑话故事带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!简单英语笑话故事带翻译:三个牧师Three pastors in

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同一个冷笑话,你也笑不了几次;为什么同一件事,你总是为它痛苦不止呢?小编精心收集了关于英文笑话短文及翻译,供大家欣赏学习!关于英文笑话短文及翻译:他们很忙One day, the phone rang, and a little boy answered.“ May I speak to

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笑话能反映出一个民族的价值系统及其对周围世界肯定和否定的态度。小编整理了关于英语笑话小短文带翻译,欢迎阅读!关于英语笑话小短文带翻译:Two Birds 两只鸟Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparro

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