水饺英语怎么说 "致病菌水饺"英语怎么说

水饺英语怎么说 "致病菌水饺"英语怎么说


A leading Chinese producer for quick-frozen snacks Thursday apologized for the production and sale of bacteria-contaminated dumplings and said that a recall was underway.

A spokeswoman from Zhengzhou Sinian Food Co., Ltd. said they had confirmed the contamination of staphylococcus aureus, or golden staph, in its quick-frozen seafood and pork-stuffed dumplings.

The company had started the recall and destruction of the contaminated products, said Lin Xiaohong, a marketing executive of the company, adding that an investigation into the source of the contamination was underway.




【讲解】文中的"bacteria-contaminated dumplings"就是" 致病菌水饺"的意思。"contaminate"意思是"污染","seafood and pork-stuffed dumplings"就是我们熟悉的"三鲜馅水饺"。"underway"这个词很有用,例如:The recovery is underway 或 The ceremony gets underway。  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/211861/910482358.html


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