优美的英文诗句 关于优美英文诗句阅读



Should auld acquanintance be forgot, 怎能忘记旧日朋友

And never brought to mind? 心中能不怀念?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 旧日朋友怎能相忘,

And days of auld long syne? 友谊地久天长。

And here’s a hand,my trusty friend 我们往日情意相投,

And gie’s a hand o’ thine; 让我们紧握手,

We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet. 让我们举杯痛饮,

For auld lang syne. 友谊地久天长。

For auld lang syne my dear, 友情常在我心,

For auld lang syne, 亲密的朋友

We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet 举杯痛饮,

For auld lang syne. 同声歌唱友谊地久天长。








优美的英文诗句 关于优美英文诗句阅读







He Sea Hath Its Pearls

Heinrich Heine English translation

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

HE sea hath its pearls,

The heaven hath its stars;

But my heart, my heart,

My heart hath its love.

 Great are the sea, and the heaven;

Yet greater is my heart,

And fairer than pearls or stars

Flashes and beams my love.

 Thou little, youthful maiden,

Come unto my great heart;

My heart, and the sea and the heaven

Are melting away with love!


Night on the Great River


Steering my little boat towards a misty islet,

I watch the sun descend while my sorrows grow:

In the vast night the sky hangs lower than the treetops,

But in the blue lake the moon is coming close.

[translated by William Carlos Williams]


Night on the Great River

We anchor the boat alongside a hazy island.

As the sun sets I am overwhelmed with nostalgia.

The plain stretches away without limit.

The sky is just above the tree tops.

The river flows quietly by.

The moon comes down amongst men.

[translated by Kenneth Rexroth]


Mooring on Chien-te River

The boat rocks at anchor by the misty island

Sunset, my loneliness comes again.

In these vast wilds the sky arches down to the trees.

In the clear river water, the moon draws near.

[translated by Gary Snyder]


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