a字母开头的英文歌曲 a字开头的英文歌

alive出自英国人气流行女歌手Jessie J的第二张录音室专辑《Alive》。下面是小编给大家整理的a字开头的英文歌,供大家参阅!



▪Beastie Boys演唱歌曲



Jessie J(全名:Jessica Ellen Cornish),1988年3月27日出生于英国伦敦雷顿布里奇,毕业于伦敦表演艺术学院,英国流行女歌手、词曲创作者。

2003年参加“英国杰出天才大赛”获得最佳流行歌手奖。2005年签约Gut唱片公司,开始词曲创作生涯。2010年11月21日发行首支单曲 《Do It Like A Dude》踏入歌坛。2011年1月获得第31届全英音乐奖乐评人选择奖提名并获奖;同年2月28日发行首张音乐专辑《Who You Are》,入围第32届全英音乐奖入围最佳女艺人、最具突破艺人以及最佳单曲等三项大奖,Jessie J也凭借专辑歌曲《Price Tag》而走红。2012年受邀担任第30届伦敦奥林匹克运动会闭幕式表演嘉宾。2013年9月20日发行第二张专辑《Alive》。2014年7月8日与10日,Jessie J在中国上海、北京举办演唱会。


Alive - Jessie J

This is it, now it's in our hands

I know you feel it

We could've quit but we choose to dance

But best believe it


We took it in baby from the start

We choose the light and forgot the dark

So bright this moment with a million stars (stars)

So everybody sing with me


Luckily see you 'cause of I

Don't play on it because tonight

We're flying free like birds in the sky

'Cause we're alive (live)

Let's raise a glass to you and I

Let's show and tell that we survived

We're flying free like birds in the sky

'Cause we're alive

1, 2, 3 We're alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 So alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 We're alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 So alive! (live, live)


Here we are, now it's in our hands

Oh yea we feel it

Don't let it stop, you got to dance

But best believe it


We took it in baby from the start

We choose the light and forgot the dark

So bright this moment with a million stars (stars)

So everybody sing with me


Luckily see you 'cause of I

Don't play on it because tonight

We're flying free like birds in the sky

'Cause we're alive (live)

a字母开头的英文歌曲 a字开头的英文歌

Let's raise a glass to you and I

Let's show and tell that we survived

We're flying free like birds in the sky

'Cause we're alive

1, 2, 3 We're alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 So alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 We're alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 So alive! (live, live)

Luckily see you 'cause of I

Don't play on it because tonight

We're flying free like birds in the sky

'Cause we're alive (live)

Let's raise a glass to you and I

Let's show and tell that we survived

We're flying free like birds in the sky

'Cause we're alive

1, 2, 3 We're alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 So alive! (oh oh)

1, 2, 3 So alive!

1, 2, 3 So alive! (live, live)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/211161/359043593.html




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