高中英语阅读文章 高中英语精彩的文章



In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10. Hundreds of us took part in it.

It was a nice day. At 8:00 am, we gathered at the foot of Daqing Moutain and set out for the top in high spirits. Al the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. When some fell behind, others would come and offer help. About 2 hours later, we all reached the top. Bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy.

The activity benefited us a lot. Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us. What a wonderful time !

高中英语精彩的文章篇2:The Mid- Autumn Fetival

thAs one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.


Dear Tom,

How is everything going? I feel terribly sorry for being unable to reply your last letter in time. The final exam ,which all of us attached great importance to,took hold of my whole spare time,therefore,I had no choice but to completely focus on my study. I do appreciate it if you could understand and forgive me for my impoliteness.

You asked me for my summer vacation arrangement in your last letter. Hereafter lists my primary plan. To start with, I intend to take a part-time job working as an assistant teacher in XXX school,which I believe will promise me a good opportunity to enhance interpersonal skills ,broaden our horizon and enrich our life. Moreover,I consider it a golden chance to tour around China to enjoy the picturesque scenery and taste the inviting food here and there. Last but not least,being a social volunteer has long been my dream and I could make full use of the time to devote my passion to the society and help those in need during the long vacation.

Sorry indeed for having made you wait for such a long time. By the way,should you have any better plan,would you please write back to exchange ideas with me?

Looking forward to your reply.




I am an 18-year old middle school student. I have been busy with my study and seldom helped my

高中英语阅读文章 高中英语精彩的文章

parents with the housework. Feeling quite sorry for that, I begin to think about what to do to help. Last Sunday, when my parents went out shopping, I suddenly got an idea: why not give the rooms a thorough cleaning? Firstly I collected all the books, newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place. Then I wiped the dust off all the furniture. After that, I swept and mopped the floors.

At this very moment, my parents came back and were quite surprised to see all the rooms tidy and floors shining. My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction in her eyes. Tired as I was, I never felt so happy.


It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. As we all know, good learning habits can make your study go to succeed. As a student, we should pay more attentions to our habits which we develop in our study.

I’m sure “repeat” is a best habit. Do you develop the habit? If we want to improve our study, we should repeat what the teachers taught us again and again, and then we can understand or remember the knowledge which the teachers demand us to master. How to develop the habit? the first step, set a timetable, and stick to carry out the plan, don’t stop.

When I do my homework, I often make mistakes with carelessness, how to overcome the shortage? I think I should think about it over and over as long as I do my homework. And then I do it little by little. Maybe in this way I can correct my mistakes.


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