关于父爱的英文诗歌 关于父爱的英文诗歌欣赏



Daddy you are the Best

Daddy you are the best,

although you live in the west.

关于父爱的英文诗歌 关于父爱的英文诗歌欣赏

stay the way you are,

while your driving your sports car.

You couldn't be a better dad

oh yeah, don't go driving around mad

I love you for ever

'cause you'r really clever

Even though i puss and shove

I will still show all my love

--Olivia Elliott & Simeran Mason


You Never

You never said I'm leaving

You never said goodbye

You were gone before I knew it,

And only God knew why

A million times I needed you,

A million times I cried

If Love alone could have saved you,

You never would have died

In Life I loved you dearly

In death I love you still

In my heart you hold a place,

That no one could ever fill

It broke my heart to lose you,

But you didn't go alone

For part of me went with you,

The day God took you home.


A Little Girl Needs Daddy

A little girl needs Daddy

For many, many things:

Like holding her high off the ground

Where the sunlight sings!

Like being the deep music

That tells her all is right

When she awakens frantic with

The terrors of the night.

Like being the great mountain

That rises in her heart

And shows her how she might get home

When all else falls apart.

Like giving her the love

That is her sea and air,

So diving deep or soaring high

She'll always find him there.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/210961/104504327.html


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