北师大版高一英语必修1Unit 1练习试题及答案

对于高一英语的学习,除了日常的记单词之外,还需要着重做好哪些练习呢?接下来,小编就和大家一起来做份北师大版高一英语必修1Unit 1练习试题,希望对大家有帮助!

北师大版高一英语必修1Unit 1练习试题


1.I use English ________ school and practise ________ home.

2.I have a pen friend who writes ________ me in English.

3.What are your attitudes ________ using English?

4.I like watching the English news ________ CCTV Channel 4 every evening.

5.I always write ________ important new words.


1.How long have you been learning English?







2.The more mistakes I make,the more I learn.







3.As long as I get good marks in my tests,it doesn’t matter if I can speak English or not.

北师大版高一英语必修1Unit 1练习试题及答案








1.Please read the ________ (问卷) and think about your answers.

2.It doesn’t ________ (有关系) what you wear,as long as you look neat and tidy.

3.Think about the questions and then discuss them with your ________ (搭档).

4.Her ________ (态度) towards me has changed.

5.My ________ (最喜欢的) subjects are English and Maths.

6.Jiang Wen is a famous ________ (演员).


make mistakes,introduce oneself,be good at,arrive in,come from,learn from

1.Tom ________________ Maths while I do well in English.

2.The plane takes off at 8 o’clock and __________________ Shanghai at about 12 o’clock.

3.It’s a great honour for me to speak here.First,let me ________________ to you.

4.It’s wise for a person to ________________ the mistakes that he made.

5.Judging from her accent,she must ________________ Shandong Province.

6.I regret to tell you that you have ________________ in your test.


1.How long have you________English?

A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.been learning

2.I read books________English.

A.with B.by C.in D.at

3.What are your attitudes________speaking English?

A.at B.in C.to D.with

4.Native speakers can’t understand me________my English isn’t good enough.

A.if B.whether C.unless D.as if

5.________I get good marks in my tests,it________if I can speak English or not.

A.As far as;matters B.As far as;doesn’t matter

C.As long as;matters D.As long as;doesn’t matter

6.I________learning languages and numbers.

A.is good at B.do good at C.is good in D.do well in

7.My English is________better than my deskmate’s.

A.very B.much C.fairly D.any

8.I remember this because Jiang Wen is my favourite actor,________.

A.as well B.either C.too D.as well as

9.At the good news,she felt________.

A.relax B.relaxing C.to relax D.relaxed

10.My father________speak English quite well.

A.must B.can C.may D.need


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/210761/943315948.html


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