商务接待需要注意事项 打商务电话需注意什么

商务接待需要注意事项 打商务电话需注意什么


As your companys representative, your phone manners should be impeccable. Too many workers who are abrupt on the phone rationalize their behavior by saying its okay or even expected.since theyre at work, but this isnt true. You are putting across your companys image and should work just as hard at it on the phone as you would in person.


There are several accepted ways to answer a telephone at work. You can simply say Hello or you can say your name, as in June Johnson speaking. You dont need to say the companys name if a receptionist or a secretary has already done so. Try to speak in a pleasant, unrushed voice. If you are rushed and cant talk, its better to say this and make plans to call back later. Dont rustle papers or work while youre speaking on the phone.If youre really too distracted to speak, then reschedule the call.


Its okay and sometimes even necessary to screen your calls. But theres a right and a wrong way to do this. First train your secretary to do it politely. Its better to ask May I know whos calling? than Who is this? or even Whos calling? Second, dont instruct your secretary to say you are out when you are in. Its acceptable to be in but too busy to talk at the moment and its always better to be honest. Callers sense the difference, and besides, it may not look good if youre always out.


Its rude not to return telephone calls regardless of whom they are from. You might be ignoring a potential customer. Many people today dont bother to return phone calls, and if you work for someone else,its highly unlikely that such behavior is acceptable. When you do return calls, try to place them yourself. If you must have your secretary make the call, then get on the line immediately. Its not polite to keep someone waiting when youve placed the call.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/210061/278247645.html


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