网络编辑是一个特殊的职业,也是一个特殊的群体,据有关方面估算,截至目前,全国网络编辑从业人员近600 万人。那么你知道网络编辑用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习一下吧。
网络编辑的英语说法1:web editor
网络编辑的英语说法2:Website Editor
网络编辑的英语说法3:Network Editor
网络编辑相关英语表达:虚拟网络编辑 Virtual Network Editor
网络编辑学 Web Editorship Studies
资深网络编辑 Senior Online Editor
网络编辑的英语例句:1. How to be a good Website Editor?
2. My dream is that when a network of editors, I am more interested in network news.
我的梦想是当一名网络编辑, 我对网络方面的新闻比较感兴趣.
3. There are job openings at AIGA China in Beijing for a Project Coordinator and Web Editor.
4. Set up corporate website and edit, review and update promotion information thereon.
创建公司网站,编辑 、 审核、更新网络宣传文档,进行网络传媒管理.
5. Online book sharing wiki site with auto PDF generation for ebook devices.

6. Data stored in XML files can be edited an Internet browser.
7. Online book sharing wiki site with auto PDF or EPUB generation for ebook devices.
8. In this paper , the paper introduces the security strategy of non - linear editing network in TV station.
随着 非线性 编辑网络在各电视台的广泛应用,网络的安全性越来越需要重视和加强.
9. Support multi - task , graphics editing, document transmission network, maintenance is simple economy, loss of economic durability.
支持 多任务, 图形编辑, 网络文档传送, 维护保养简便经济, 损耗件经济耐用.
10. For all the other editable stuff we need a similar easy web interface.
11. He spoke with associate Web editor Brian Wolly about how the Web will evolve.
12. Wikipedians concede that Britannica's 100 full - time editors and network of paid contributors give it an edge.
13. Common web - based forum networks comments, edit comments, network, such as the type of comment column.
常见的网络评论有网络论坛 、 编辑评论 、 网络专栏评论等类型.
14. It is thanks to the scribe and editor volunteers that lecture notes are made available online.
15. Error invoking the security editor. Make sure the cluster Network Name resource is online.
调用安全编辑器的错误. 请确定群集“网络名”资源是联机的.