英语短文精选 关于英语故事短文精选


英语短文精选 关于英语故事短文精选


Yesterday, I read a novel in manuscript. Mr. Reid majored in marine geology at college, but he worked in a firm that manufactured marble handicrafts. Manufacturing handicrafts required manual skills. Mr. Reid was a manager. He managed his department well. Lately, his boss wanted to open up new markets in the Far East. He sent Mr. Reid to there. All the way, the team met a good many difficulties. First, for many a day it rained, thus the team marked time. Then the motor of their truck malfunctioned. Mr. Reid made notes in the margin of a manual. His manly manner manifested itself in times of need. He manipulated the matter very well. The team marched on. Under his leadership, the team reached the goal successfully. Mr. Reid met a beautiful girl there. At first, he did not intend to marry. But the girl's virtues touched him. They got married. For Mr. Reid, marriage was for life. The country where he was staying was a one that still maltreated women. But Mr. Reid respected his wife very much. As a male, he assumed all his duties he should assume.



A Madam lived in a magnificent palace. The magnitude of the palace was unbelievable. The Madam had no idea of machinery but she was mad for make-up. Like a magnet attracted nails, make-up attracted her. In this macroscopic world, nothing else interested her. The Madam majored in make-up skills. Every morning, she made out a list of fashion magazines and make-ups. She ordered her maids to buy them. At first the purchase team was made up of two maids. Finally, eight maids made it up . Did make-up make for looks? Yes, Make-up could make up for a lack of beauty. It was a magician who played magic. Make-up was necessary to maintain the Madam's looks. Her good looks were mainly from make-up. The majority of her acquaintances thought the make-up magnified her beauty 10 times. So the Madam thought she got the magnetism she wanted. But her husband did not think she was magnetic as she hoped. Every time when he came back from the mainland, he hardly made out his wife. He shook his head and made for the study. The Madam could not make it out whether it was praise or criticism.



A mayor was a master of management. He was a mature man. His wife was a mathematics teacher. She was a good mate. Both of them believed in Marxism and materialism. As a matter of fact, they were a perfect match. The mayor had masses of work to do everyday. These days, he was collecting materials for a book on football match. The book would be his masterpiece. Today, he would make a speech at a theatre named Mars. The theatre located in the center of a meadow. The meadow was surrounded by a massive wall. The master of theatre welcomed the guests. No matter who he was, every guest must wipe his dirty boots on the mat before entering the theatre. There were masses of people in the theatre. The theatre held a maximum of seven hundred people. After the mayor's speech, the performance began. All of the actors wore masks. The mayor lit a cigar with a match. Then he enjoyed the marvelous performance.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/209061/585229786.html


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