关于商业的英语短文 关于商业的英语短文阅读



Online shopping has become very convenient in recent years.Most big name companies havewedsites offering information on their products and online stores allowing shoppers topurchase them in the comfort of their homes.


The first things that became wide spread online were computer equipment and accessories.It isstill very prominent today,but we can find much more on the internet.Some floral shops acceptorders for flowers and gifts to be sent to anywhere around the globe.Pizza is delivered byordering on their web sites.Travelers can easily search for the cheapest airplane tickets,carrentals,and vacation packages.


Almost every type of consumer products can be ordered online.Officesupplies,electronics,appliances,clothes,books,furniture,and jewelry are not everything thereis.Factor in the auction sites lide eBay,every average computer user can buy and sell virtuallyanyghing;even automotive parts from junkyards.


The advantages of shopping online include cheaper prices,fast searching and comparingbetween manufacturers and products,and no time constraints.On the other hand,securitymight fail and lead to credit card frauds;Viagra ads in our email accounts become a part oflife;and atrophy takes over because we are all sitting down.


关于商业的英语短文:关于经商和道德的英语作文 Business and Ethics

Most people learn from the TV series that businessmen are mean and immoral, they can do what they want in order to achieve the biggest profit. In reality, some businessman indeed chase for the possible profit at the cost of being lack of ethics, while others believe that business ethics helps further success. I agree with the latter.


Business ethics helps a company to keep long term cooperative relationship with employees and customers. First, some bosses to get more incomes at the basis of reducing the employees’ wellbeing, it will cause the employees get dissatisfied with the company and they come to job-hopping, then the company need to recruit another new employees, retrain them again, it will cost time and waste resources, the company can’t run well during the unstable change. Second, if a company has a good reputation, customers are willing to buy their products and keep business with the company. On the contrary, no one is willing to buy the company’s products which is immoral, the product may be not in good quality, it will do harm to people’s health.

商业道德能让一个公司和员工以及顾客保持长期的合作关系。第一,一些老板为了赚更多钱,减少了员工的福利,这样会引起员工对公司的不满,员工会 想要跳槽,这样公司就要招聘新员工,重新培训,很花时间和浪费资源,在变动期间,公司无法正常运作。第二,如果一个公司有声望,顾客就会愿意买这个公司的 产品,和它保持合作。相反的,没有人愿意买一个不道德公司的产品,那些产品可能会质量不好,对人们的健康有害。

Today, the world is full of competition, if a company wants to get win-win situation, the boss must have the sense of ethics, with it, the employees and customers will ensure the company big profit.


关于商业的英语短文 关于商业的英语短文阅读



Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working


The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working.


My working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based work collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proofread the colour copies of all reports and maps.

As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At all other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.


It is clear that I would be able to undertake the same duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities of the office at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and printer.


I would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially from home for a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order to reassess the situation.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/208961/447238009.html


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复活节,丢掉忧愁,复活快乐;丢掉悲伤,复活幸福;丢掉烦恼,复活微笑;丢掉阻碍,复活但愿;丢掉微笑,复活平安。复活节,祝你出色每一天。小编精心收集了关于复活节的英语短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于复活节的英语短文篇1Easter is a religious holi

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