英语问候情景对话2分钟 英语情景对话问候



A: Merry Christmas!

B: The same to you!

A: Are you doing anyting special?

B: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?

A: Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.


A: Happy New Year!

B: Thank you! Same to you.

A: Have you got any plans?

B: I've been invited over to la friend's. And you?

A: My reemmate's having a party.


A: Have a nice Thanksgiving!

B: Same to you!

A: Are you going anywhere?

B: I thought about going to my sister's. How about you?

A: Oh, I'll probably just stay at home.


A: Have a nice weekend!

B: Thanks. You too!

A: Do you have any plans?

B: Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?

A: Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.


A: Hi, Jane. How are you doing this morning?

B: I'm all right, thanks. Just a little tired.

A: Late night?

B: Yeah, I got home around two.







M: Hi, Mary, it’s been a long time

W: Hello, my old friend. Long time no see. How are you doing?

M: Well, I’m doing okay. And how about yourself?

W: Not so well. To be honest with you, I broke up with Tom.

M: Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?


M: Good morning, Miss Li.

W: Morning, Mike.

M: I’m sorry that I was absent yesterday.

W: I’ve already got your certificate for sick-leave. How do you feel today?

M: I feel much better now.

W: Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday?

M: I’ve already got it. Thanks.

W: I will explain it in detail in the next class. Could you preview it?

M: I will.


M: Hi, Lilly, it’s so nice to see you again.

W: Hum, me too. This winter holiday was especially long. What have you done?

M: Nothing special. I had a get-together with some schoolmates at the high school, visited the Internet and read a couple of books which I had been longing for. How about yours?

英语问候情景对话2分钟 英语情景对话问候

W: You know, I like traveling. I made good use of this long vacation and enjoyed myself.


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