毕业季的英语说法1:graduation season
毕业季的英语说法2:Senior Year
Depending on where you live, university graduation season is approaching oralready in full swing.
First lady Michelle Obama has some advice for some Tennessee high schoolgraduates: Strike your own path in college and life and work to overcome inevitablefailures with determination and grit.
Just in time for graduations, weddings, and summer vacations, here are five tips tohelp you develop the expertise to take the perfect pictures.
As graduation season approaches, she has only found one or two qualifiedcandidates who want to do the most basic work for nearly 10 vacancies.
Li Yi felt his heart breaking into pieces. The 25-year-old traffic engineering major atBeijing Jiaotong University stared at the text message from his girlfriend, who hadjust broken up with him. It made his already bittersweet graduation even morepainful.

But once graduation rolls around, every couple needs to decide whether they wantto stay together or part ways before college.
College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation. Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry backhome or to their rented houses.
In graduation season, couples often face two problems: They will go to differentplaces, and they will cultivate different world views due to their different social andwork experiences, he says.
From the perspective of Zhang Liwei, of the security department of Beijing UnionUniversity, drinking is now causing more disputes during the graduation season.