人教版高三上册英语选修七Unit 1练习试题

往往在高三这一阶段,对于英语的学习,要怎样有针对性的做练习呢?接下来不妨和小编一起来做份人教版高三上册英语选修七Unit 1练习试题,希望对各位有帮助!

人教版高三上册英语选修七Unit 1练习试题及答案


1.This ________ news made him ________ so that he couldn't sleep all night.(annoy)

2.I hope you will not ________ of my choice because your ________ means a great deal to me.(approve)

3.Three films ________ (adapt)from her novels were popular with young people.

4.________ (abolish)the unfair treaty was no easy job,but they said they would never give up their efforts.

5.He is so ________ (ambition)that he wants to play at the highest level.

6.________ (resign)from the company,the young director still went to the office every day to finish off the unfinished work.

7.As we all know,fresh air is ________ to our health and the new park ________ us all,so we should keep it clean.(benefit)

8.The young ________ often ________ us in preparing tools for experiments.(assistance)

9.I'm writing ________ (congratulation)Patrick on his being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

10.Without his ________ (encourage)to me,I would have been defeated in the game.


1.annoying;annoyed 2.disapprove;approval 3.adapted 4.Abolishing 5.ambitious 6.Resigning 7.beneficial;benefits 8.assistant;assists

9.to congratulate 10.encouragement



Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is __1__ important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 2 it’ll never 3 . That’s 4 we mustn’t waste time.

It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 6__ useful.

But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and __7__. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own __8__.

In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t 9 today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to 10 .



(D)1. A. much B. less C. much less D. even more

【解析】D。该句中多音节形容词important的比较级应是 more important,用even来修饰比较级,故选 even more important。

(C)2. A. cost B. bought C. gone D. finished


(A)3. A. return B. carry C. take D. bring


(D)4. A. what B. that C. because D. why


(B)5. A. money B. time C. day D. food

【解析】B。时间的流逝悄无声息,故应选 time。

(B)6. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything


(C)7. A. reading B. writing C. playing D. working

【解析】C。该句列举了一些人浪费时间的例子,四个选项中只有playing能和smoking, drinking 相提并论,故选playing。

(D)8. A. time B. food C. money D. life


(B)9. A. stop B. leave C. let D. give

【解析】B。leave意为“留下,剩下”。根据文意,我们不能把今天的事留到明天做,故选 leave。

(A)10. A. lose B. save C. spend D. take




阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


When was the last time you did something really fun with one of your parents—just the two of you?

Parents who take their young children to music,swimmin g and art classes often stop arranging such activities once their kids are older and in school all day.But it doesn’t have to be that way.Doing something enjoyable with your kids just might make you look at each other in a whole new way,especially if you do it through a class or an event.When parent and child become students together,it puts them on the same level,at least for a while.

“I really like parents to come to class with their kids—they start sharing things and talking about what they’re doing and what they like,” said art teacher Pyper Dixon.

However,finding something n ew in common is a big choice for them,especially when kids get involved in sports and other afterschool activities.But it’s possible to learn a new skill or hobby together.

That’s certainly true of Lauren,11,from Silver Spring,who is in Dixon’s class with her father,Dennis.“I was just going to drop her off,” Dennis said,“but Dixon persuaded me to stay.”

Now Lauren gets to nag her father about doing his art homework.“He always leaves it to the last minute,” she said.“But then he’ll turn around to do amazing drawings,” she added.“We have different styles of drawing,so it’s interesting to talk it over with him.”

Without the Saturday morning art class,Dennis said,he would be reading the paper,and Lauren would be on her own in her room or on the computer.But they talk more now.“I can’t think of an experience where you communicate with your kid so closely,” he said.

1.The author raises the question at the beginning to________.

A.expect an answer B.criticize some parents

C.in troduce the topic D.support his argument

2.What does Dixon think is the benefit of parent and child studying art together?

A.They will become equal.

B.They will communicate more.

C.The child will learn art much better.

D.The parent will learn something new.

3.The underlined word “nag” in the text probably means________.

A.urge B.help

C.ignore D.teach

4.We can learn from the text that________.

A.Lauren used to talk a lot with her father

B.Dennis enjoys studying art with Lauren

C.Lauren dislikes her father’s drawings

D.Dennis likes playing computer games


语篇解读 父母应与孩子一起参与有意义的活动,通过和孩子一起学习、运动等,可以增加与孩子交流的机会,从而增进感情。

1.解析: 篇章结构题。作者在第一段提出问题后,紧接着在第二段提出自己的观点,因此第一段提出问题是为了引出要讨论的话题,故选C。

答案: C

2.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中Pyper Dixon所说的“they start sharing things and talking about what they’re doing and what they like”可知,Dixon认为父母同孩子一起上美术课的好处是可以增进交流。

答案: B

3.解析: 词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“He always leaves it to the last minute”可知,Lauren的父亲总是拖着不做作业,此处表示Lauren敦促父亲完成作业。

答案: A

4.解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后两句话可知,Dennis喜欢与Lauren一起上美术课。

答案: B



It's Graduation Day—a day that's getting quite familiar to Marc and Beverly Ostrofsky of Houston.Today, they'll attend two graduation ceremonies, one for their daughter Shelly, 22, from Washington University in St.Louis and another for their daughter, Mary Grace, 18, from Kincaid High School.Mary Grace will head to Boston University.Kelly, 22, graduated last Sunday from Duke University.Tracy, 20, is a sophomore (二年级学生) at the University of Denver.The oldest, Maddy, 23, graduated from Berklee College of Music last year.

So what's the cost of putting five daughters through college?Beverly told ABC News $60,000 to $70,000 a year.In total, the family will spend about $1.5 million on college after taxes and that's not including graduate school.One daughter informed Marc that she now wants to seek her PhD.Marc is the bestselling author of Get Rich Click, and a multimillionaire from Internet businesses.“We're fortunate that we can take care of it,” Beverly said.“We decided a long time ago we didn't want the girls to take out college loans, so that was our commitment to them.”

Marc and Beverly married five years ago, blending (融合) their own daughters into one big family of collegeready girls.Beverly said they wanted their daughters to have a choice of where they wanted to go to college, but having their children spread throughout the US created another expense—flying all of them home for holidays and visits.Just this week, Marc flew to North Carolina for Kelly's graduation, then to St.Louis for Shelly's graduation and hopes to make it back just in time to Houston for Mary Grace' s graduation tonight.

With the last child leaving home for college, Marc says he and Beverly are going to take a breather.“It's like wiping the sweat off the forehead now.It's time to think about what we can do.Perhaps we'll take a vacation abroad,” he said.

人教版高三上册英语选修七Unit 1练习试题

The Ostrofsky family said their advice to parents who have many children is to start planning and saving from the day the children are born.

1.Graduation Day is familiar to Marc and Beverly Ostrofsky because________.

A.they like going to school on Graduation Day

B.they need to attend their daughters' graduation ceremony several times

C.they have experienced it on their own Graduation Day

D.they are often invited to school to have a speech on Graduation Day

2.What do we know about Mr and Mrs Ostrofsky from Paragraph 2?

A.They would rather their daughters had applied for college loans.

B.They now work hard in order to pay for the college expenses.

C.They don't want their daughters to go to graduate school.

D.They can afford their daughters' college expenses.

3.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?

A.Mr and Mrs Ostrofsky like visiting their daughters by plane.

B.Mr and Mrs Ostrofsky' s daughters often come back home for holidays.

C.Mr and Mrs Ostrofsky spend a lot of money on their daughters' traveling.

D.Mr and Mrs Ostrofsky are tired because their five daughters are in different colleges.

4.The underlined word “breather” in Paragraph 4 probably means________.

A.check B.break C.adventure D.attempt

参考答案1-4 BDCB

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