幽默笑话大全爆笑2017 有关于幽默的英语笑话大全


有关于幽默的英语笑话:Nice Smelling Hair

A man walks up to a woman in his office each day, stands very close to her, draws in a large breath of air and tells her that her hair smells nice.

After a week of this, she can't stand it any longer, and goes to HR.

Without identifying the guy, she tells them what the co-worker does, and that she wants to file a sexual harassment suit against him.

The HR supervisor is puzzled by this approach, and asks, "What's sexually

threatening about a co-worker telling you your hair smells nice"?

The woman replies, "It's Keith, the dwarf."

有关于幽默的英语笑话:30-40 Years Left

woman named Shirley was from Beverly Hills. One day, she had a heart attack and was taken toCedars Sinai hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near-death experience. She saw God and asked, "Is this it?" God said, "No, you have another 30 to 40 years to live." Upon her recovery, she decided to stay in the hospital and have collagen shots, cheek implants, a face lift, liposuction and breast augmentation. She even had someone dye her hair. She figured since she had another 30 to 40 years, she might as well make the most of it. She walked out of Cedars Sinai lobby after the last operation and was killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. She arrived in front of God and said, "I thought you said I had another 30 to 40 years?" God replied, "Shirley! I didn't recognize you!"

有关于幽默的英语笑话:Not Satisfied

A woman goes to see a psychiatrist. “Doctor,” she says, “my husband just doesn’t satisfy me sexually anymore.”

“Hmm,” replies the doctor. “Have you considered taking a lover?”

“I did that,” she says, “and I’m still not getting enough sex to satisfy me.”

“How about taking another lover?”

“I keep trying that. I have seven lovers plus my husband, but I still can’t seem to get enough.”

“My goodness,” says the doctor, “you’re quite an anomaly.”

“Oh, thank God,” says the woman. “Will you please tell them I’m an anomaly? They all keep calling me a slut.”

有关于幽默的英语笑话:New Tatoo

This lady goes into a tattoo parlor and asks the guy to put a tattoo of a

turkey on her upper right thigh. She goes back to the same tattoo parlor

two weeks later and asks him to tattoo a picture of a Christmas tree on

her upper left thigh.

Stumped, the guy finally decides to ask her why she wants these tattoos.

She said, "I'm tired of my husband complaining every year that there is nothing to eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas."

幽默笑话大全爆笑2017 有关于幽默的英语笑话大全

有关于幽默的英语笑话:One Missing Girl

George came home one day, very excited.

"Do you know what they are saying?" he asked his wife Jean, "they say our janitor has slept with every woman in this building except for one!"

Jean responded "That must be that girl from number 32; no one likes her!"


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/208461/602327681.html


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幽默笑话大全爆笑2017 有关于幽默的英语笑话大全

笑话是一种常见的幽默传达方式。笑话是口头或者书面的幽默语言。小编整理了有关于幽默的英语笑话,欢迎阅读!有关于幽默的英语笑话:Nice Smelling HairA man walks up to a woman in his office each day, stands very close to her

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