

Women search high and low for a truly great guy. When I was in my teens, I thought I could have it all: the guy with the model looks, fabulous family, fantastic job, who knows his purpose in life and knows to automatically rub my feet when I get home from work.

Obviously, I had a quick wake-up call that the fairy tale I dreamed of didn’t exist! That didn’t mean I couldn’t have what I wanted, it just meant I had to reevaluate some of the qualities that I wanted my partner to have. Here are seven of the most important qualities women find attractive in men:




1. An ability to enjoy the present moment


With how busy we are and how connected we are to everyone and everything virtually, it is so attractive when a man can put his phone down, turn off the TV, shut down the computer and just enjoy being present. It is nice to be connected and be able to access almost any information that we need at the drop of a dime, but to be able to shut down without getting antsy to get back to Facebook or football is something you don’t come by too often.


2. Knowing your purpose


Nothing is more sexy than a man who isn’t afraid to go for what he was sent here to do. There are a ton of men out there who believe they need to be “big strong men” and do what they were taught, but it takes a truly special man to put himself out there and follow what he was meant to do.


3. A man who is motivated and driven is awesome


No, I’m not talking about an expensive car. I’m talking about a man who has the ability to go after what he wants. Ambition is something that women find very attractive in men. Not ambition in the sense that you knock other people down to build yourself up, but in the fact that you will work hard to get what you want and help others to do the same thing.


4. Attractiveness comes from making us laugh


It has been my experience in all of my relationships—and with men I’ve had crushes on—that I would choose the man who made me laugh over the drop dead sexy one. Every. Single.Time. Women want a guy who values what a good laugh can do for your body and soul. Women truly appreciate men who can make them laugh and laugh at themselves too.



5. Honesty and trustworthiness


I don’t know about you, but knowing that I can trust a man is so important. Although, if my butt still looks fat in those jeans, I don’t want to know! In all seriousness though, knowing that a man will tell me the truth is very important. Communication and trust are two of the biggest things that make or break relationships.


6. A man who takes care of himself is sexy


Something that is so attractive in men is when they take care of themselves. Now that doesn’t mean you have to be pumping iron all day, every day, but to really know what types of foods you’re putting into your body and how to take care of it is pretty darn sexy.


7. A man who is supportive of our dreams and goals


When a man stands behind me 100%, no matter what, it shows how much he cares and truly believes in me. Being with someone who believes in you and your potential, and vice versa, will create a different dynamic in your relationship. There is less tension and less negativity because of how you believe in each other.


These are just a few of the many qualities that women find attractive in men. What qualities am I missing? What do you find attractive in men?



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