电子商务自荐信 电子商务英文自荐信

Dear leaders:


My name is Xiao-yan, from XXX, is a professional e-commerce XX College students graduating this year, XX has been toward community-job training. Very honored to be able to accept your selection, at the same time very grateful to your busy schedule to read my cover letter.

Through repeated practice, both within and outside the school told me I have the professional skills of the basis of self-confidence in college, I majored in e-business professional, learning without affecting the normal circumstances, the use of spare time I assistant who has passed the e-commerce division , English, computer certificates. In October last year - a three months of this year I had accounts in Shenzhen, and it is daily faced with various types of paper, which requires a certain degree of patience and careful. At the same time, regulation will have a warehouse that they can not go wrong, otherwise, all the responsibility you have, of course, I did not the fault of three months to complete the task smoothly. The internship for me in time to adapt to the work has laid a good foundation.

电子商务自荐信 电子商务英文自荐信

Among the applicants, perhaps at the moment of my qualifications, my lack of experience, so you wavering. But you believe that my energy, my efforts, I am going to sweat more than others in exchange for future success, I am sure I must be the best. I look forward to dedicated e-commerce and its areas of your favor and acceptance.

If we can walk hand in hand with you, I will be a great honor, even if no chance to cooperate, you let me aware of their deficiencies, I am not very grateful, after all, this was a life-long income, I can! Thank you for your attention once again, rising prosperity!




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/207761/861391769.html


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