my hobby英语作文80词 My hobby初中英语作文

.英语作文是对学生综合能力考核最彻底的一类题型,对单词的掌握、对语法的熟悉程度、谴词造句的能力都会在写作文的水平中体现的一览无余。每个人都有自己的爱好,你的爱好是什么呢?下面是小编为你整理的my hobby初中英语作文,希望你喜欢!

my hobby英语作文80词 My hobby初中英语作文

my hobby初中英语作文篇1

Everyone has his own hobby, it may give him lots of happiness. My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially the cartoon music, though I'm not good at it, I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble, music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me comfortable . When I am angry with something , it aslo can make me happy again. Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health. Do you like listening to music? If not, I hope you can have a try, you will find it beneficial.

my hobby初中英语作文篇2

Everyone has his or her hobbies. My hobby is collecting stamps. I collect all kinds of stamps, mostly Chinese stamps. I started collecting stamps when I was in my elementary school. I enjoy collecting stamps because I can learn many things from these stamps. I hope my stamp collection will grow slowly to include foreign stamps. I plan to have many pen pals and exchange letters with them, so I can collect more stamps from letters.

my hobby初中英语作文篇3

My hobby is reading. I love reading books. And this hobby helps me a lot. For example, I can learn how to cook by reading a cook book. So I can treat myself when I am too tired to continue working. I can also learn how to improve my writing skills by reading beautiful articles written by famous writers as BingXin and so on. When I feel upset, I will try some inspiring stories to cheer myself up. When I feel myself lazy, I can read several fables to find out what will happen if I don't work hard. When I feel boring, I may find the amazing palace by travelling with the author of the detective stories. Reading is my love. I believe people without books, will be like fishes without water.

my hobby初中英语作文篇4

My hobby is playing football. It is very interesting. Many people like to play it. It can make me healthy and strong. I often play it after class in my school. I often play it with my classmates. I can play it everywhere. But I think it is dangerous to play in streets. Because there are many cars and buses in streets.


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