


Ending the Interview -- About RemunerationI: What starting (Commencing) salary would you expect here?

C: The salary at which I houd like to commence is 25,000 yuan per annum. / I'm willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary. / I'd like to start at about 1,500 yuan a month. / I'd require a commencing salary of 1,800 yuan a month. / I have to support my parents who are dvanced in age, so I'd like to commence at HKD, 2,500 a month. / The salary I should require would be RMB 1,600 per month as a start. / I should ask for a monthly salary of 1,000 to begin with.

I: How about your present pay? / How much money do you get now? / What is your monthly (yearly) salary now ?

C: My present pay is RMB 1,500 yuan each month. / At present I get 1,800 yuari per much. / My present monthly salary is HKD 11,000. / Now I receive a yearly remuneration of 20,000 yuan.

I: How much do you hope to get a month ? / What is your required monthly (yearly ) salary ? / What remuneration would you like to call (ask) for ?

C: I hope to get 900 yun a month. / The salary required is 1,200 yuan periponth living in the house. / I'd like to call for a yearly salary of 30,000 yuan, plus 1% commission on all sales. / As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. / Well, the matter of remuneration will take care of itself, I believe, if other things are all right.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/207161/431563458.html


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