英文版简历模板 预算经理简历英文版模板


Last name: fresh graduate network sex: Male

Marital status: ethnic group: Han nationality

Household: age: 29

Guangdong - Foshan high: 173cm

Hope region: Foshan - Guangdong

Hope job: financial / audit (Unified) program - cost administrator

Finance / audit (Unified) accounting category - Tax Manager / Supervisor

Education experience

2003-09 ~ 2007-07 Guangdong Ocean University, Bachelor of Finance

Working experience

Company name: XX company (2011-03 ~ so far)

Company nature: state-owned enterprise industry category: environmental protection

Position: Finance Supervisor / Manager

Job description:

1, the responsibility of the company from the construction period to the operating period of the transition, according to the group to establish financial management system for item company, warehouse management system, etc..

2, responsible for the operation of the company's financial planning and budget management.

3, responsible for the operation of accounting and tax balance, in the preparation of the company's internal cash cost management, group policy statements of operations.

4, responsible for the operation of the company financing plan and the implementation of the organization.

5, responsible for the operation of the company's asset management.

Company name: XX company (2007-01 ~ 2011-02)

Company nature: foreign enterprise industry category: automobile, motorcycle and spare parts

Position: cost accounting / budget / fixed assets accounting post category: Accounting

Job description: work experience

2007.02 month -2011.02 worked in a foreign investment enterprise: cost accounting / budgeting / fixed assets accounting

Main working contents:

Aspects of financial budget

1, to participate in formulating the company's annual benefit plan, to organize all the departments in the preparation of the company's annual financial budget and track the budget implementation per month for implementation of the budget management table, and within the group of other statements.

Skills expertise

英文版简历模板 预算经理简历英文版模板

Professional Title:

Computer level: Advanced

Computer skills: can skillfully use a variety of office software.

Skills expertise: 1 in the work of foreign enterprises and state-owned enterprises, accumulated a wealth of solid financial theory and basic knowledge;

2 experience in manufacturing cost accounting, budgeting, financial analysis, etc.;

3 familiar with OFFICE software, UFIDA U8 operation etc.;

4 sureness, face the pressure and frustration can timely adjust.

Language ability

Mandarin: fluent Cantonese: fluent

English level: CET-6, CET-4 spoken language

English: good

Job intention

Direction of development: cost accounting / budgeting / fixed assets accounting

Other requirements:

Self evaluation:

1 in the work of foreign enterprises and state-owned enterprises, accumulated rich, solid financial theory and basic knowledge;

2 experience in manufacturing cost accounting, budgeting, financial analysis, etc.;

3 familiar with OFFICE software, UFIDA U8 operation etc.;


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/207061/662122524.html


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在求职中,一份好的简历往往能为自己在面试的时候加不少分。由此可见,求职不单单是你有能力,有才华就能横行霸道的地方。往往,那些能力那么好,才华没那么出众,但在简历上下了不少功夫的人机会更大。姓 名: 黄先生 性 别: 男婚姻状况: 未婚

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