商务英语词汇的术语性 商务英语术语中的体育词汇


Both Business and Sportsr require certain skills:

are competitive

need self- confidence

take planning

use strategies and tactics

take concentration

teamwork may be important

Having established their similarities, let’s take a look at ten idioms we use, in what situations and what sport they relate to.

1. To keep your cards close to your chest – don’t reveal your plans

Ex: I kept my cards close to my chest during the negotiation. (Card games)

2. Poker-faced – expressionless (comes from the game of poker where you must not let your face reveal whether you have a good or bad card)

Ex: The clients sat poker-faced all through my sales pitch. It was so unnerving. (Poker)

3. Knocked me for six – surprised and upset me

Ex: Jenny has just announced that she’s leaving which has knocked me for six. I really enjoyed working with her. (Ball Games)

4. Play the trump card/ace – use the advantage especially when others do not know about it

商务英语词汇的术语性 商务英语术语中的体育词汇

Ex: The CEO played his trump card by promising a dividend payout at the shareholders’ meeting. (Card Game)

5. A whole new ball game – a completely different situation

Ex: This is a whole new ball game if we’re talking about expanding the business. (Ball Games)

6. To play hard ball – to be so determined to get what you want that you will use unfair methods to get it.

Ex: The people here like to play hardball which can be very challenging. (Ball Games)

7. Don’t pull any punches – speak in an honest and direct way without being tactful

Ex: The CEO didn’t pull any punches when he told the board that the company was in trouble. (Boxing)

8. Below the belt – an unfair attack (in boxing that is not allowed)

Ex: There was no need to mention my personal problems to the press. That was below the belt. (Boxing)

9. Throw in the towel – giving up and admitting defeat

Ex: I think we need to accept things as they are and throw in the towel before we lose any more money. (Boxing)

10. Hold all the cards – to be in a strong position

Ex: Management found that the trade union held all the cards during the pay talks. (Card Games)

A good way to familiarize yourself with other sports idioms is to type in a sport in a search engine and look for examples of idioms linked to that sport and how they are used in business. Select the ones you like and are likely to use and try using them with native speakers. Look out for them in articles and advertisements so that you see these idioms used in context.









1. To keep your cards close to your chest——避免透露计划


2. Poker-faced——面无表情(来源于扑克游戏中你不能让你的表情泄露自己牌的好坏)


3. Knocked me for six——惊讶和不安


4. Play the trump card/ace——在别人不知道的情况下利用自己的优势。


5. A whole new ball game——完全不同的局面


6. To play hard ball——下决心达到目的,甚至使用不正当的方法。


7. Don’t pull any punches——直接坦诚地说,没有城府。


8. Below the belt——不正当的攻击(这在拳击比赛中被禁止)


9. Throw in the towel——放弃,承认失败


10. Hold all the cards——处于有利的位置




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/206361/586507807.html


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