计算机专业求职简历 计算机专业英文求职简历


Basic information

Name: xxx

Date of Birth :1985-10-02 Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single Height: 180 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Intention job description: Systems Engineer / Network Technical Manager / Project Manager Customer Service Manager / deputy manager of technical support / customer training administrative / personnel staff

Job description: Technical Manager, work experience: 2 years expect a monthly salary: more than 1000

Educational background

Graduate school

Chongqing University

Highest level of education: college Profession: Computer Application

Computer level: best foreign language: English language: good

Education course:

* 2001.9 --- 2004.6 City Wanzhou days post graduate in computer applications has been

* 2004.7 --- Chongqing University has been the application of professional study in computer


* May 2003 --- April 2005 Wanzhou District in Chongqing three Technology Co., Ltd. (Formerly Kefa computer)

Position: Technician

● is mainly responsible for brand ﹑ ﹑ compatible notebook after-sales service;

● and integrated wiring, installation of small and medium-sized network debugging ﹑.

* April 2005 --- May 2005 in Chongqing Tianzheng computer technology Co., Ltd.

Position: Head of Technology

● network is mainly responsible for school maintenance, diskless network establishment and maintenance;

● Shenzhou computer sales and technical support;

● personnel recruitment and evaluation;

● staff training, team building.

* May 2005 --- August 2005 in Chongqing City, Forest Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Title: Technology Project Manager

● Onsite computer services is mainly responsible for the mobilization of personnel;

● and small network installation and maintenance;

● staff training and assessment;

计算机专业求职简历 计算机专业英文求职简历

● the Company and its customers deal with the conflicts and complaints of the technician.

Personal ability and self-evaluation

With extensive work experience, practical responsibility seriously, and have excellent communication skills, has presided over many of the users and technical briefings and training, access to users and companies alike, I sincerely hope your company can lead to more services and more.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/205461/306422570.html


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