英语日常对话用语 出国英语日常用语对话


英语日常对话用语 出国英语日常用语对话

出国英语日常用语对话:My laundry is not ready yet

W: Hello, I set up my laundry yesterday, are they being ready?

M: They will be ready this afternoon.

W: Oh, no. I’m leaving for Japan at eleven this morning.

M: Is that right? We are very sorry

W: I thought it the same day service. Anyway, please do a hurry.

M: I’m afraid …be can returned by eleven o’clock.

W: Well, then. Would you send to Japan, please?

M: Yes, we’ll do so.

出国英语日常用语对话:Where is the key to the safety box

W:I am sorry to say this but I seem to have lost the key to the safe.

M:Where do you think you lost it? Outside the hotel?

W:Yes, I believe so. How should I compensate for this?

M:I am afraid, Ma'am, you have to pay 100 US dollars since you lost the key.

W:What? 100 US dollars? Is it covered by the insurance?

M:I am afraid no. It is not covered by this insurance.

W: Excuse me, could you tell me how to return to the Hilton Hotel. I'm afaid I lost my way.

M: Do you have a hotel card or something?

W: Let's see. Yes, I have the address and telphone number here.

M:Oh, you are staying at the Downtown Hilton. Then you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right.

W: Well, I don't understand it very well. Would you draw me a map?

出国英语日常用语对话:Something is wrong with my bill

Woman:well,we didn't ask for this room service maybe someone else ask it ,I'm sure.

Man:Oh,is it? let me check.


Man:I'm sorry to say this room charge is yours.

Woman:We payed for the room service already in our room,

Man:Do you have any evidences?

Woman:No,we got know we see it and pay it on the spot!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/204661/907024893.html



小学英语日常交际用语及情境对话练习题班级________姓名_________一、日常问候和答语1. Hello/ Hi你好。3. Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好。4. How are you(thismorning/afternoon/evening)?你今天早晨/下午

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