三分钟英语口语对话:Business Trip
Dialogue 1 Z(Zoe) L(Luke)
Z: I have some good news for you. We've decided we'd like to send you to Shanghai on a business trip this weekend.
L: Oh.
Z: Don't you think that it'd be a good thing for you to get out of the office for a couple of days?
L: Sure.
Z: I thought you'd be a bit more excited about this. Everything will be paid for and I'll send my assistant with you to take care of everything for you. All you have to do is get on the train tonight at 7pm.
L: The train? Will I be flying back then?
Z: Oh, no. We've bought your return ticket for you. I think you'll find it comfortable.
L: Will the train be very crowded?
Z: Oh no. The train hasn't been crowded at all recently. Besides, you're in first-class, so you'll be fine.
L: When is the first meeting then?
Z: They've scheduled the negotiation meeting for 9:00 tomorrow morning. That should give you enough time to have a quick shower.
L: Where will I be staying?
Z: We've booked you a room in the same hotel as your meetings, so you won't need to deal much with the transportation system.
L: That's very sensible. Would it be alright if I left early today to prepare for the trip?
Z: That's not a problem. Have a nap if you can. You don't know how tight the schedule is for this business trip.
Dialogue 2
L: Did you get my email?
Z: I certainly did. Do you want to come in and give me some feedback about your weekend?
L: Sure.
Z: How did the business trip go?
L: Well, to be honest, nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss.
Z: I understand. The last time I went on a business trip with the boss, I didn't even have enough to eat?
L: I also think that the company is pretty cheap with travel expenses. I spent half of the weekend on a train! Surely they could have afforded to buy a few plane tickets!
Z: Our company is quite conscious of the environmental problems that frequent flying causes.
L: I see. Well, then perhaps they could give me a few days off after a business trip. It was really tiring for me.
Z: I can ask the boss about giving you the day off today.
L: Thank you. I can't imagine getting much done today. I'm just too exhausted!
Z: No problem. Did you bring any gifts back for your departmen?
L: No, should I have?
三分钟英语口语对话:Holiday DIY
Dialogue 1 S(Sydney) J(Joseph)
S: So what do you think we should do for our anniversary? Should we stay in a hotel or go backpacking in a park?
J: I'm too old to go backpacking. Let's saty in a B & B in a scenic spot.
S: Since the weather is supposed to be nice, why don't we stay at a hotel with an outdoor swimming pool?
J: That's a good idea. I know of a reasonably priced hotel with a swimming pool that's just a stone's throw away from Hyde Park.
S: That's an execllent location! It must be one of the only hotels with an outdoor swimming pool in the heart of London!
J: They're also known for their huge breakfasts that keep you going all day.
S: We can eat to our heart's content in the morning and then spend the rest of the day in the pool.
J: Should I call them to make a reservation then?
S: You might as well see if they have any vacancies. Do they take credit cards?
J: Let me just check their website to find out.
S: Well?
J: Let's see. It says that breakfast is included, car parking is available, taxes are included in the price, there's free internet access, and yes, credit cards are accepted.
S: Fantastic. Let's book it for Saturday night then. And find out what time we can check in so we can make as much use of the pool as possible!
Dialogue 2
J: I've booked the room for Saturday night.
S: What time can we check in?
J: We can check in at 2:00 in the afternoon.
S: What about check-out?
J: Check out is at 11:00 a. m. , but you can request a late check-out for an extra £10. Should we do that?
S: Why not? Then we can sleep in and relax by the pool before we head back home.
J: Lockers are also available for luggage near the pool facilities, so we could spend the entire afternoon at the pool, even after check-out.
S: In that case, we won't need to pay for a late check-out.
J: Let's just wait and see how we feel. We might want to sleep in on Sunday morning.
S: That's a good deal. How about internet access? Is it available in the rooms?
J: Unfortunately not. They only offer free internet and WiFi access in the lobby.
S: That's alright. We won't really need it anyway, will we?
J: No, I think we'll manage going without internet access for a night!
S: How are we going to get there? Should we take the bus?
J: Since they offer free parking, let's just drive.
S: Ok. What time to do think we should hit the road on Saturday?
J: If we leave by noon, we should be able to get there by 2:00. What do you think?
S: Maybe we should leave at 11:00. That way, we'll have time to stop for lunch before we get to the hotel.

J: 11:00 it is then! Go pack your bags!
三分钟英语口语对话:Threats to Our Environment
Marissa: What did you do over the weekend?
Kevin: I went to a global warming rally in London.
It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about
the environment.
M: Do you think there's anything we can do to reverse
the damage that's been done already?
K: It might not be possible to fix the problems that
we've created for ourselves, but there are lots of things we can all
do to prevent more damage from happening.
M: Like what?
K: Well, we can use public transport instead of taking our cars
for a start.
M: What else can we do to protect the environment?
K: If you do have to drive, you should make sure that
your car runs on unleaded petrol. Also,
your home should use sources of renewable energy.
M: How about recycling? Does that actually help?
K: Yes. You should take your glass, paper, plastic, cardboard,
and tin cans to a recycling centre.
M: What do you think is the biggest worry for our future?
K: I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough
sources of clean water for everyone.
M: I had no idea you were such an environmentalist before!
K: To be honest, in order for the earth to continue to be
a habitable place,
we're all going to have to become more interested in the environment.
K: The air quality in this city is horrendous!
The pollution levels were so high today that
we weren't supposed to go outside with a face mask again!
M: Exhaust fumes from vehicles cause a great deal of damage
to the environment.
K: On top of that, there are a few large chemical factories
in the suburbs, which are contributing to the high pollution
levels in the water and the air in this city.
M: As much as I love this city,
I think I'm going to have to find a greener city to live in.
Living in a polluted city like this just can't be good for my health.
K: I know what you mean. However,
there are so few places left that have not been affected by
global warming.
If it's not the pollution, then it's the natural disasters,
deforestation, or the greenhouse effect.
M: What is the greenhouse effect exacdy?
K: It's the gradual rise in the earth's temperature.
M: I see, so it's similar to global warming?
K: They're related to one another, yes.
M: I heard that some people in England are pleased with the fact
that the climate there is becoming warmer because
it's making their towns a more pleasant place to live.
K: People joke about the benefits of the increase in temperature,
but it's not all good news.
They've been experiencing a lot of deadly storms there as well.
M: People always seem to make jokes as a way to deal wit
h unfortunate situations.
K: I think if everyone pitches in, the world will be a better place.