尾数相关英语表达:尾数叠加 mantissa stack
尾数定价 mantissa pricing
尾数量化 mantissa quantization
尾数格式 endian format
价格尾数 price-ending
尾数编码 mantissa coding
尾数的英语例句:1. Design the datapath of FPU, which includes mantissa part and exponent part.
完成了浮点处理单元的数据通路设计, 包括尾数部件和指数部件.
2. When multiplying numbers ending in nought , bring down the noughts first.
去乘尾数是零的数字时, 先将零移下.
3. The decimal part of a logarithm. In the logarithm 2.95424, the mantissa is 0.95424.
尾数对数的小数部分. 如在对数2.95424中, 尾数是0.
4. The decimal part of a logarithm. In logarithm 2.95424, the mantissa is 0.95424.
尾数对数的小数部分.如在对数2. 95424中, 尾数是0.95424.
5. Trailing zeroes in the decimal portion are discarded.
6. Rounding - off the gross weight in this case cannot be considered as an inconsistency amongst the documents.
7. This is a standard floating point representation that the first bit of mantissa must be 1.
8. Of course, both exponent and mantissa are encoded using a binary system rather than decimal system.
当然, 幂和尾数都是用二进制数系统来编码,而不是十进制数系统.