哈佛校园情景对话:知识的天堂:威德纳图书馆Han Meimei and John are touring Harvard University. They are now standing in front of Widener Library.
H: What a grand? building! What is this building for?
J: It’s Widener Library?, the largest library of Harvard University.
H: No wander? it looks so magnificent. Look at those pillars. I seem to be brought back to the Medieval times?.
J: They really look great, like the Romanesque? architecture.
H: As I approach it, I feel something special.
J: Is it something holy?
J:是不是很神圣? 、
H; Kind of?.
J: It’s said that the inside of the library is also very classic, but I haven’t got the chance to step into it. What a pity!
H: You will.
J: But then again, I won’t use it quite often even if I can get into Harvard University in the
near future.
J:不过话又说回来了,即使在不久的将来我上了哈佛大学,我也不会经常用这个图 书馆。
H: Why?
J: The collections in the library are mainly about social science and humanities. I think my
major is going to be physics.
J:这个图书馆里的藏书大都是关于社会学和人类学的,我想将来我的专业应该是物 理学。
H: Well, I think everybody needs to know something about history, economy, literature, so on and so forth?. As long as you have interest in these subjects and want to broaden your horizon, you will use it quite often,
H:我认为每个人都应该了解一些历史、经济、文学等知识,所以只要你对这些学科 感兴趣,并且想开阔视野,你会经常用到这个图书馆的。
J: I couldn’t agree with you more. Students shouldn’t favor one subject and neglect others.
H: I think you’ve done quite well. You have such a good knowledge American history and culture as well as those of Harvard University.
H:我认为你已经做得很好了,你对美国的历史文化以及哈佛大学的历史文化都很 了解o
J: I'm flattered?. Speaking of my knowledge of this university, I,m not talking big?, I know nearly all the stories about the university.
H: You mean there is sad story about Widener Library?
J: Yes. It’s a sad story which is related to Titanic disaster?.
H: Another love story?

J: Not exactly. It’s about love, but it’s love between mother and son.
H: Don’t keep me guessing.
J: The library was named after a Harvard alumnus? called Harry Elkins Widener. He
graduated in 1907 and was a book collector. In 1912,he went to England to buy books and lost his life when he came back to New York by Titanic.
J:这个图书馆是以一个名叫哈利?埃尔金斯?威德纳的哈佛校友命名的。他1907年 毕业,是个藏书家。1912年他前往英国购书,在乘泰坦尼克号回纽约时不幸丧生。
H: Every time I hear stories about Titanic with a heavy heart.
J: Definitely. It’s said that when people flooded onto the lifeboats, Widener ran in
reverse direction? and back to the cabin, just to save the Collected Essays of Francis Bacon.
J:肯定的。据说当入们都涌向救生船时,威德纳却朝相反方向跔去,回到了船舱, 只为抢救一本弗朗西斯_培根的散文集。
H: What? I can’t imagine why.
J; Because he loved books more than his life.
H: Is it worthy?
J: Every person has his own values.
H; No wonder Harvard students love books, and library to them is what water is to fish.
J: In fact, his parents were also on the ship and his father died
desperate his mother was.
H: It must be hard for her.
J: But she was a strong mother and tried to find a way to
remember her beloved son.
H: What did she do?
J: She, according to Widener,s will, donated all his collections
to Harvard. She also made a $3.5 million donation to Harvard University to build a library in honor of her son. So the full name of the library is actually “Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Libraiy'
J:她按照威德纳的遗愿,把他的所有藏书都捐纟含了哈佛大学。她还绾学校捐了 350 万美元用于建图书馆,以此纪念儿子。所以,图书馆的全名其实是“哈利?埃尔 金斯?威德纳纪念图书馆”。
H: A mother’s love never changes. Widener died,but his spirit, together with his books, is still alive.
J: There is legend at Harvard that in order to prevent what befell? Widener from happening to other students, all students of Harvard College are required to prove that they can swim before they are allowed to graduate
J:在哈佛有个传说:为了防止发生在威德纳身上的事再次发生在别的学生身上,哈 佛学院要來所有学生都必须证明会游泳后才能毕业。
H: Is it real? I've never heard such rules.
J: I said it’s only a legend. Don’t be too serious about it.