英语简单对话两人十句 两人简单的英语对话精选






B: Hi, you look upset. What's up?

M: Haven't been sleeping well recently.

B: What's the problem?

M: I tried to go to bed early. but I just couldn't fall asleep in bed with the other girls lights on, and noises now and then. I'm a light sleeper.

B: I understand. I used to live in a dorm' with three people. It was great in some aspects. We always went out and had fun together. But on the other hand, when I wanted some quiet time, they kept talking and laughing aloud, it was torturous.

M: Living in a dorm means that you have to learn to be considerate of others.

B: Yeah But you can at least talk with them and find a solution.

M: I don't know how to say about those things. Maybe I really should have a talk with them about this matter.


Wang Mei 要和她的老板到西餐厅吃饭,向Daisy 请教西餐礼仪。Daisy 帮她解决了这个难题。


(以下W代表Wang Mei,D代表Daisy)

W: Some problem is really eating away at me.

D: What happened?

W: I am going to a western restaurant for dinner with my boss. Can you tell me some dos and don'ts? After all. courtesy costs nothing.

D: Well. first you need to make a reservation before you cat at a western restaurant. If not. you may have to wait for a long time for a table.

W: Oh, I see. Anything else?

D : When eating, don't slurp your food. Western people will find it most unpleasant.

W: But in China, it is a good way to show how much we like this food.

英语简单对话两人十句 两人简单的英语对话精选

D: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Then, you should remember to pay tip after eating.

W: How much should I pay for the tip?

D: The amount of the tip is up to you, but it's usually 15 to 20 percent of the bill.


Mr. Wang邀请Peter一起品茶,他还向Peter简单介绍了一下中国茶。


(以下W代表Mr. Wang,P代表Peter)

W: Peter, would you like to have a cup of tea with me?

P: Yes. wich pleasure. But can you do me a favor to tell me something about Chinese tea?

W: Of course. China is the homeland of tea, and mos t of Chinese people like tea.

P: Well. how to make Chinese tea?

W: First. get the boiling: water ready. After you put some dried tealeaves4 into the pot. add fresh boiling water and then leave them to steep for three minutes before serving.

P: And I have heard that there are several categories of Chinese tea.

W: Yes, according to the color of tea, there are green tea, black tea, white tea and so on.

P: Which one is your favorite?

W: Do you know Wulong Tea? It is my favorite and it is good for health.

P: Oh, one man's meat is another man's poison.

W: You said it. Let's go to enjoy Chinese tea now!

P: Great! I'II have a shot!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/203661/476061670.html


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